How Sakaja is navigating political party barriers

Analysts argue that by working with both President Ruto and Raila Odinga, the governor has stabilised the county.

In Summary
  • Most of governor Sakaja's agenda has sailed through the Assembly because of his partnership with opposition-allied MCAs.
  • Unlike other Kenya Kwanza-controlled counties where governors enjoy benefits of majority leadership, Nairobi is controlled by Azimio MCAs.
Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja addressing Toi Market traders on Saturday, August 10, 2024 during which he donated 5,000 iron sheets.
Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja addressing Toi Market traders on Saturday, August 10, 2024 during which he donated 5,000 iron sheets.

Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja has tactfully navigated the city's delicate political party barriers to ensure the capital city’s stability nearly two years after assuming office.

Being the capital city, Nairobi is not just one of the country’s 47 devolved units, but a strategic county for the national government as it is home to the seat of power and key internal organisations.

Besides his administration, in the last financial year, recording the highest ever revenue generation by any county government since the advent of devolution- Sh12.8 billion, the city has enjoyed relative political tranquillity.

The governor’s decision on Sunday to storm the fragile Toi Market to speak to angry traders, days after he was forced to retreat following pockets of hostility, highlighted his resilience, analysts say.

Sakaja had walked straight into charged youths who pelted him with stones as he tried to access Toi Market to assess damages caused by a fire that also claimed four lives.

The governor was shielded by his guards as a section of the raging youths threw stones and other projectiles at him, forcing him to pull out of the Market following the resistance.

However, on August 11, Sakaja made a dramatic return to the fragile market where he unveiled his ambitious plans for traders including a Sh100 million perimeter wall to secure stalls.

Sakaja on Sunday reaffirmed his commitment to stand with the traders in their time of need, saying that as Governor, he could not run away from his people and delivered 5,000 iron sheets.

"Even when things got tough last time, I didn’t run away. I walked out calmly because you are my people, and we must support each other," he said.

Sakaja’s rapturous reception by the traders on Sunday and the order that followed as he addressed business owners, pundits say, exposed his political charisma and dare-devil approach.

Political analysts argue that, unlike his predecessors, Sakaja has cleverly managed to knit a political working relationship even with his perceived critics to stabilise the capital city.

“When you look at Sakaja’s political and leadership approach, he cuts an image of a resilient leader and manager willing to embrace allies and critics alike to steer the capital city," Political Risk Analyst Dismus Mokua said.

According to the analyst, Sakaja has managed to stabilise the county after years of chaotic scenes that marked past regimes where governors and members of the executive clashed with MCAs.

“As you might have noticed, Sakaja has not faced any resistance in the Assembly where most of his matters have been processed without opposition, that speaks to a strategic leader and manager with the ability to work with critics," he said.

Political analyst Alexander Nyamboga termed Sakaja as a political chess player who has mastered the art of city politics.

"It is interesting to note that while his colleagues have faced impeachment threats over the last 22 months, Sakaja has maintained a firm grip on the county," he said.

"He knows the bolts and nuts of city politics and works with those who pull levers of powers, many would have not dared step back at Toi market after the first stoning incident, he made the daring move."

Nyamboga argues that working with both President Ruto and Azimio boss Raila Odinga is the magic that has seen Sakaja stabilise the county.

Past city regimes were marked with tensions, squabbles and tussles between the County Assemblies and the executive resulting in incessant fights that delayed service delivery.

Occasionally, the tensions were manifested during public forums where hired goons heckled members of the executive, with MCAs frequently stalling the budget-making process.

For instance, during Governor Mike Sonko’s regime, some of his budget proposals were shot down many times by the MCAs at the height of their bitter fallouts.

The former governor could occasionally be forced to convene firefighting meetings with MCAs to address their issues as some cried foul over lack of facilitation.

Despite Sakaja’s Kenya Kwanza alliance being a minority in the Nairobi City County Assembly, the governor’s budgets and programmes have not faced any lethal opposition from MCAs.

President William Ruto’s Kenya Kwanza is the minority party in the City County Assembly while opposition leader Raila Odinga’s Azimio coalition is the majority party.

Political analysts argue that it is Nairobi City County Assembly’s unique leadership that has forced Sakaja to get out of his way to develop a working partnership with MCAs for the sake of his agenda.

The collaboration between Kenya Kwanza and Azimio MCAs has been crucial in the passage of Sakaja’s key businesses including crucial Bills.

Sakaja is said to enjoy a cordial working relationship with Raila and other key opposition figures without compromising his ties with President Ruto and the Kenya Kwanza family.

On Sunday, Sakaja lauded the “handshake’’ between Ruto and Raila saying it was in the best interest of the country.

“Seeing Baba [Raila Odinga] with our President is the best move for our country. It is for the betterment of everyone,” Sakaja said when he visited Toi Market.

The governor further lauded the inclusion of other members away from UDA in the Cabinet saying now all regions are included.

“Now we have Wycliffe Oparanya, John Mbadi, Hassan Joho in cabinet among others, we expect them to deliver diligently for Kenyans,” he said.

Sakaja’s announcement of a sh100 million perimeter wall around Toi Market lifted the lid on his close working relationship with Raila.

Raial had on August 5 asked Sakaja to build the perimeter wall immediately.

"I have issued an order to the governor that the construction of this fence surrounding the market should begin immediately. This is because they have one hundred million shillings in their budget this year to start building this market. We are saying they should begin by constructing the fence,” said Raila.

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