Conjestina expresses intention of returning to the boxing ring

"I am now okay, I feel like I want to go back to my work, please."

In Summary
  • Early January, Sonko gave her what he said was another chance to continue with her healing journey.

  • This was after reports circulated online that she had relapsed after visiting her rural home in Yala. 

Conjestina Achieng.
Conjestina Achieng.

Former Kenyan boxing champion Conjestina Achieng has recovered and now wants to go back into her profession.

Conje, as popularly referred to, was captured looking energetic while clad in a pink patient gown at the Mombasa Women Rehabilitation Centre.

She is heard seeking forgiveness from former Nairobi governor Mike Sonko for her past misconduct while expressing her desire to return to boxing.

“First of all, Mheshimiwa, I want apologise for what happened between me and you. I am now okay, I feel like I wanna go back to my work, please...please, please I ask you for forgiveness,” she says.

“Thank you so much,” she adds.

Sonko was, however, hesitant about agreeing to have her return to the ring instead suggesting that she should be given work at the rehabilitation centre.

“Huyu Conje pia, she’s now healed for the third time,sasa anataka kurudi mtaa. Mimi naona tumpe job huko tu kwa rehab to train her colleagues. What’s your take,” Sonko said.

In early January, Sonko gave her what he said was another chance to continue with her healing journey.

This was after reports circulated online that she had relapsed after visiting her rural home in Yala. 

“Even though our chances in Conjestina's healing journey were watered down, I'm a person who doesn't give up in life. It is for this reason that we have given Conjestina the third and last chance again on her case,” Sonko said.

“I just want to let the public know that she was readmitted at the Mombasa Women Rehabilitation Centre, where she will start her treatment afresh under the care of a group of specialists, including councillors, consultants and physiatrists,” Sonko added.

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