Mr President, rein in your troops

If each elected leader concentrated on service delivery, the country would be able to move forward.

In Summary
  • The President seems to be facing another set of problems, among them, his lieutenants politicking instead of helping him deliver his promises to Kenyans.
  • Every day his top guns are on television stations talking about who should be regional kingpin and who is up for impeachment.
President William Ruto addressing a meeting on the UHC roll out at State House, on Thursday, September 19, 2024.
NATIONAL UNITY: President William Ruto addressing a meeting on the UHC roll out at State House, on Thursday, September 19, 2024.
Image: PCS

It has been two years since Kenya Kwanza took power.

Granted, President William Ruto has faced some turbulent times and managed to regain some sort of stability, though he's not completely out of woods.

It is under his reign that, for the first time, Gen Zs took to the streets demanding accountability and thanks to that entire the Cabinet was sent packing. After consultations, the President has reconstituted his Cabinet men and women.

However, he seems to be facing another set of problems among them his lieutenants politicking instead of helping him deliver his promises to Kenyans.

Every day his top guns are on television stations talking about who should be regional kingpin and who is up for impeachment, forgetting that if the government fails to deliver its mandate it is a shared failure as they are part of same government.

It is time President Ruto read riot act to the ministers, MPs and other high office holders who have made it their duty to complain instead of working for Kenyans.

If each elected leader concentrated on service delivery, the country would be able to move forward.

And since these officers seem to not want to work, it is time their leader who is the President stamped his foot on the ground and demanded some work from them or fire those that are hellbent on dragging his regime down.

Quote of the day: "Why do you speak to me of the stones? It is only the arch that matters to me."

Kubla Khan

The Mongolian emperor and founder of the Yuan Dynasty was born September 23, 1215

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