MARIRI: Parents' involvement in school programs key to learners' success

Their role begins when their children are toddlers and continues as they step into a classroom

In Summary
  • Besides providing basic needs, parents are also crucial in firsthand assessment and counselling during stressful moments, such as managing performance expectations.
  • The close involvement of parents in their children's education makes them valuable stakeholders in schools.
Mellany Mariri is a researcher and parent at Makini Schools
Mellany Mariri is a researcher and parent at Makini Schools

Every parent takes joy in seeing their children succeed in school, transition smoothly into the job market, and become responsible members of society.

They play a significant role in ensuring this success. As the first educators, parents' involvement in their children's education is crucial.

Their role begins when their children are toddlers and continues as they step into a classroom to further their development.

This involvement continues throughout their education, guiding them until they graduate from an institution of higher learning and pursue their chosen careers.

Besides providing basic needs, parents are also crucial in firsthand assessment and counselling during stressful moments, such as managing performance expectations.

The close involvement of parents in their children's education makes them valuable stakeholders in schools.

Numerous studies indicate that learners are more likely to succeed with supportive parents. Indeed, a 2016 study by Arizona State University reveals that students who discuss school courses with their parents have 44 per cent higher odds of attending post-secondary education

Involving parents in the educational decision-making process strengthens the home-school partnership, as learning does not start and stop in school.

Their active involvement enhances student motivation and reinforces positive educational experiences, highlighting the immense importance of parental engagement in school operations.

Driven by the need to keep up with global standards, the education sector is characterized by constant changes fuelled by the emergence and integration of technology.

Adopting technology platforms in schools requires high-level cooperation from parents to make the learning process more objective and fulfilling.

The implementation of the Competency-Based Curriculum has faced both praise and criticism, with some parents calling for more involvement in the transition process.

Many parents are still navigating the curriculum, from finding learning materials, especially for practical lessons, to understanding the grading of the learners.

It is important to help them understand these changes, as they play a significant role in the curriculum's success by providing resources for delivering the learning areas.

In addition, disruptions to school calendars due to unforeseen circumstances such as prolonged electioneering and related instabilities an unwanted turbulence in the learning process.

In such situations, involving parents in ensuring the safety of learners and facilitating continued learning is vital.

For example, sharing assignments and invoking teacher-parent collaborations in teaching through online platforms can be beneficial in achieving learning objectives.

As a parent, I have benefited massively from an AI-based learning and teaching platform called ADvLEARN by Makini Schools.

This platform helped me remain in touch with teachers. The platform also enables teachers to share assignments, analyze learners' scores, rank them and suggest areas to focus on at every stage of the learning process.

This ensures continuous learning and gives parents a chance to track and manage the progress of their children.

As schools increasingly incorporate technology into tutoring, parents’ involvement will remain a key element in ensuring children get to learn and benefit from available resources at all times.

Additionally, parents can participate in school decision-making processes in various ways.

They can join school governance committees or organizations such as parent-teacher associations (PTAs).

In these forums, they can address issues related to their children, teachers, and the school, including school fees and learners' well-being.

Other avenues include school academic days, where schools invite parents to discuss learners’ progress and set new performance targets.

Annual General Meetings also provide a platform for schools to share annual targets and propose necessary changes. Parents can also volunteer for leadership roles, thereby directly involving themselves in school decisions.

Schools should also establish feedback mechanisms that enable parents to share their thoughts on school programs.

Gathering feedback is key for refining school systems and addressing areas that may be ineffective.

In addition to school websites and social media platforms, schools can utilise surveys, mobile apps, and regular parent-teacher meetings to collect feedback. Sentiments gathered from these channels should be carefully analysed and acted upon to ensure continuous improvement.

The ongoing reforms in the education sector are timely, given the rapid global changes and challenges that require 21st-century competencies such as problem-solving skills, communication skills, and critical thinking among others.

While adopting these changes and addressing challenges, it is crucial to involve parents as they have their children’s best interests at heart, and their insights are essential to their success.

The Writer is a researcher and parent at Makini Schools

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