Talent without discipline is fruitless

Manchester United's Greenwood probably wishes he knew this earlier

In Summary

• Sexual assault remains a crime regardless of the culprit and the victim

• Many players have ruined their careers through cases of indiscipline 

Manchester United's Mason Greenwood celebrates in a past game
Manchester United's Mason Greenwood celebrates in a past game

Manchester United's Mason Greenwood would probably be in a better position to speak on the importance of self-discipline to talent growth. After all, they say, experience is the best teacher. 

He probably wishes he could go back in time to the first time he encountered his now ex-girlfriend Harriet Robson and the two fell in love. 

Maybe, in hindsight, he wishes he would have walked away the first time things seemed to be going haywire in their relationship. This is not to dismiss the tribulations of Robson at the hands of Greenwood. 

Make no mistake about it: Sexual assault remains a crime regardless of the culprit and the victim. It is something that society should never condone regardless of the parties involved. 

This is what Greenwood seemed to have forgotten when he turned his ex-girlfriend into a punching bag and an object to satisfy his sexual desires. 

One wonders, with so many examples of footballers who have flushed their careers down the drain through indiscipline, did Greenwood expect his case to turn out differently when he turned into a batterer? 

He need not be a good student of history to know that his closet of dark secrets would one day be opened in broad daylight for all and sundry. He need not look far than across the city of Manchester, where Manchester City's Benjamin Mendy is facing rape and sexual charges committed between October 2020 and August last year. 

Brazilian striker Robinho — considered one of the best dribblers in the 21st century — was last month sentenced by an Italian court to nine years in prison for rape. 

These two are just modern-day examples that Greenwood should have looked to and taken a different path.

The history of football is littered with countless other cases of players who ruined their careers by not only engaging in sexual crimes but falling into the abyss of addictions, such as alcohol, cocaine and gambling. 

Considering he is only 20-years-old, many questions need to be asked of Greenwood's management team. They should have worked hard to set the boy straight because it is inconceivable that they were not aware of what was going on. 

Many of my friends are puzzled that Greenwood, with all the millions at his disposal, could not simply move on to the next girlfriend if this relationship seemed untenable. 

However, whether rich or poor, life never works out that way. Money is never everything because the heart wants what it wants. What Greenwood needed was a sober group around him to ensure he maintains a rational head on his shoulders. 

Nonetheless, there is no use crying over spilt milk. Personally, I won't judge Greenwood because no one is perfect. 

Having been blessed with the gift of the pen, I can only draw lessons from Greenwood's case and endeavour to pursue self-discipline even as I grow my talent. 

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