Get cooking! Yummy bread, butter pudding for dessert

Bread and butter pudding is easy to cook, sweet and yummy

In Summary
  • Arrange another layer of bread onto the sultanas and sprinkle more sultans, repeat until all the bread and sultanas have been used.
  • When ready let cool for about five minutes then serve it on a plate and enjoy your snack with any drink of your choice.
Bread and butter pudding garnish with sultanas June 21,2023
Bread and butter pudding garnish with sultanas June 21,2023

Bread and butter pudding is a traditional type of British bread made of butter and eggs with sultanas.

It is a delicious snack you can use for your dessert or an appetiser.

Bread and butter pudding is easy to cook, sweet and yummy if well prepared.

To make your bread and butter pudding you need the following ingredients

  • Slices of stale bread
  • 50 grams of Sultanas 
  • One egg  
  • 250ml of milk 
  • A quarter teaspoon of cinnamon 
  • One tablespoon of sugar 
  • Butter


Step 1

Grease a 5oograms of a pie dish with butter then wash the sultanas 

Step 2 

Butter the bread and trim off the crust and cut each into four cubes or triangle 

Step 3

Arrange the layers of the bread in the dish and sprinkle some sultanas.

Step 4

Arrange another layer of bread onto the sultanas and sprinkle more sultanas, repeat until all the bread and sultanas have been used.

The last layer should be bread and the uppermost layer should be buttered 

Step 5 

Beat the eggs in a cup and add one tablespoon of sugar then add milk and stir it.

Step 6 

Pour the egg mixture over the bread and sprinkle the nutmeg or cinnamon.

Step 7 

Allow the bread to soak in the liquid for about 10 minutes.

Step 8 

Then bake your pastry halfway in the oven until golden brown 

Step 9 

When ready let it cool for about five minutes then serve it on a plate and enjoy your snack with any drink of your choice.

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