Working with your spouse: Why many don't consider it

Setting boundaries in the office were also said to be important for couples working together.

In Summary
  • In offices, colleagues tend to engage in jokes and even forms of greetings like hugging.
  • Many say they will not be comfortable seeing their partners hug others as it will trigger jealousy in them.
A couple in the office.
A couple in the office.

As many people would love to share the same fields of work with their partners, others are not so much into the idea.

It is also common for couples to first meet at work so there is the chance that you'll find yourself working with your significant other.

Speaking to a few ladies, most were not in for the idea of having their partners in the same workplace as them.

Anita says there is no doubt that the closeness of the couple among other workers will still be too visible.

"My spouse and I will tend to continue with our office romance even though we had enough from home, " she says.

Though many have argued against this, to Anita the flesh is always weaker when we see our loved ones.

Emily says working with your spouse in the same office may be difficult to keep conflicts in their appropriate spheres.

She says in case of disagreements at home, she will carry them over to the office.

"If we have a disagreement at home my husband should not expect me to forget it like that. I will carry that attitude to the office the next day," she says.

Setting boundaries in the office were also said to be important for couples working together.

Many find it uncomfortable working with their partners in the same office as they say there will be some tension created even with colleagues.

The tension comes in when one is not able to communicate with other workmates freely out of fear that their partner will not find it right.

"If we set boundaries at work we accommodate our partners and their insecurities since people have different insecurities," Okumu says.

Insecurities may arise at the workplace since the couples may have certain things that they are not comfortable seeing the other do.

In offices, colleagues tend to engage in jokes and even forms of greetings like hugging.

Many say they will not be comfortable seeing their partners hug others as it will trigger jealousy in them.

Some noted that separate offices or working spaces can help maintain boundaries.

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