Witchcraft stories inspired 'Medicine Man' film

Betty Kathungu found satisfaction in producing the vernacular film

In Summary

• Betty went deep into researching more about the witchcraft activities and traditional healing in the Mbeere community.

• The film is about a lone Doctor, overcoming the odds to redeem a community

Medicine Man Co - producer Edijoe Mwaniki, Executive Producer Betty Kathungu and Co- producer Peter Kawa.
Medicine Man Co - producer Edijoe Mwaniki, Executive Producer Betty Kathungu and Co- producer Peter Kawa.
Image: Handout

Witchcraft tales in the Embu community inspired Betty Kathungu to produce the film 'Medicine Man'.

The vernacular film in the Kiembu language is about a lone doctor overcoming the odds to redeem a community he loves so much.

Word Is caught up with the film’s executive producer, Betty Kathungu, who shared the childhood memories that drove her towards creating the film.

"When I was young, I would hear witchcraft stories in my village back in Embu," Betty said.

"People would say that stealing ones' property had its consequences. That if you steal, you are given a warning, if you do not return, then you are going to hang yourself. And it would happen." 

From what she heard, Betty went deep into researching more about the witchcraft activities and traditional healing in the Mbeere community, which she is part of.

“A lot of witchcraft happens. When I started researching it, I found there is something for a film. That is where the story about African science, healing was born. There are people in my community who actually do not go to the hospital, they believe in traditional healing," she said.

"The story is fictional, the characters are fictional, but the research was done after talking to several people who have experienced witchcraft in real life."

Betty said producing the film gave her satisfaction and inspiration to produce more vernacular films.

The 'Medicine Man' film has also been made available in 194 other countries via MyMovies.Africa.

On February 14, Embu residents will have a special Valentine's Day treat as the film will be screened there for the first time.

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