Sports CS Namwamba confirms FKF polls will be held on Feb 24

Namwamba said the polls will adhere to the tenets of the federation’s constitution and the 2013 Sports Act.

In Summary

•The CS said he had instructed the Registrar of Sports to establish a committee that will be tasked with setting the stage for transparent polls.

•Namwamba made the remarks while appearing before the Senate Committee on Labour and Social Welfare chaired by West Pokot Senator Julius Murgo.

President William Ruto with Sports CS Ababu Namwamba and FKF chairman Nick Mwendwa at a past event
President William Ruto with Sports CS Ababu Namwamba and FKF chairman Nick Mwendwa at a past event
Image: FILE

The Football Kenya Federation (FKF) elections will be held on February 24 next year,  Sports Cabinet Secretary Ababu Namwamba has confirmed.

Namwamba said the polls will adhere to the tenets of the federation’s constitution and the 2013 Sports Act.

The CS said he had instructed the Registrar of Sports to establish a committee that will be tasked with setting the stage for transparent polls.

“I’ve told the registrar to set up a technical committee, and the FKF has no choice but to show up to the meeting where election-related problems will be considered,” Namwamba said.

Namwamba made the remarks while appearing before the Senate Committee on Labour and Social Welfare chaired by West Pokot Senator Julius Murgor.

Other senators present at the plenary session were Enock Wambua (Kitui), George Mbugua (nominated), Stewart Madzayo (Kilifi), Mohamed Faki (Mombasa) and Samson Cherargei (Nandi).

The development came a day after Kenyan Soccer Players Association, and Nairobi County Football Association petitioned the CS to ensure federation elections were held in line with the Kenyan laws and constitution.

The CS further revealed plans to set up a Normalization Committee to sort out the wrangles that have plagued the Kenyan football terrain for the past couple of years.

Namwamba said he had proposed the idea to the world football governing body, Fifa, who are yet to respond. “I wrote a letter to Fifa regarding the formation of the Normalization Committee, but despite being in constant communication with them, nothing has come forth,” Namwamba explained.

“We have equipped Fifa with all of the issues. When the Fifa Director for Member Associations Africa, Gelson Fernandes, visited the country, I told him that we expect Fifa to walk alongside us on this issue,” Namwamba added.

Namwamba said the government will not relent on efforts to streamline the management of football in the country whatever the costs.

“There is no middle ground in this matter because Kenyan football needs to be fixed. If people think it means government meddling, then so be it.”

“I’m in direct contact with Fifa, and fear of suspension will not prevent us from acting.”

“These international federations defend their member associations,” Namwamba explained.