
Don’t let anyone devalue you

You are priceless and it’s scientifically proven that of the over seven billion people on earth, there is no one like you

by SAMUEL MPAMUGOSamuelMpamugo

Commentary25 February 2020 - 17:00

In Summary

•If people don’t have clear parameters by which to interact with you, they would do with you what they please

•It is your responsibility to ensure that people respect your value.

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First, let’s make one thing clear: you are a person of great value. You are exceptional for showing up. The expression of your ideas has a uniqueness that confirms your value. You are priceless and it’s scientifically proven that of the over seven billion people on earth, there is no one like you. The value of your person cannot be denied – you’re rare.

However, if your value is not communicated, people will treat you based on their imagination. If people don’t have clear parameters by which to interact with you, they would do with you what they please. Therefore, it is your responsibility to ensure that people respect your value. Here is a three-step vetting system to ensure that people do not devalue you – and if these three elements are not in place, do not engage because your worth will be disregarded.

People Must See Value: If Barack Obama suddenly showed up at your home, what would you do? Most likely, you would be all over the place trying to present your best self. Why? He is perceived as a person of great value. When people perceive you as valuable, they see you and respond accordingly. You may not be Barack Obama, but you deserve respect. You should be treated with respect because you are valuable. If anyone does not see your worth, don’t engage. Those who wish to interact with you must make you feel respected because they see or perceive you as worthy of respect.

People Must Acknowledge Value: To acknowledge value means to agree with the principles that govern your function. This is when people agree or respect the terms by which you present yourself. In dealing with Barack Obama, you must appreciate and understand the protocol that comes with his person. You may even have to go through a briefing before ushered into his presence. If people don’t acknowledge or respect your terms or rules of engagement, they don’t appreciate your value. Hence, don’t engage. Move on.

 People Must Honor Value: Here, honor means to observe protocol or pay the price of engagement. People can see and acknowledge value and still walk away – and that is okay. They may not be ready to pay the price for engagement. But if interaction must go further, people must pay the price to be in your presence or stay in relationship with you. Otherwise, you could be giving your pearls to swine. If people are not willing to honor your value, don’t engage.


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