So far, 2020 has been trying; people have been tested and stretched in different ways. Many people have it rough emotionally, financially, physically, etc. The pandemic has brought confusion, fear, hopelessness, and uncertainty. But amid this darkness, there is hope. Why? It is because we have each other.
Historically, a global crisis and suffering is not uncommon, but one strategy that has helped humanity overcome each crisis is: people’s ability to lift each other.
We do not know how long this crisis will last, but we will surely overcome if we lift each other. In this season, make it your mission to encourage those around you and determine to lift people however you can. Here are three easy ways to do it.
Show Concern: Often, we think that helping people involves giving money or other forms of material help. Sometimes you may not have anything to give, but you can show concern. Let people see and understand that your thoughts and prayers are truly with them by regularly calling to check up on them, enjoy a good chat, share joy, laughter and let them know and feel that they are connected to people who truly care for them. In this season of isolation and fear, it feels good to be remembered by people who care.
Be Helpful: This is a good time to find areas in which people need help and offer a helping hand however you can. Someone may have lost their job during this crisis and you can help them get another, do it. Someone may have trouble feeding their family and somehow, you have surplus food, share. Your friend may be struggling in business and you have contacts that can bring relief, take the initiative, and help your friend stay afloat. If you have the power or resources to end someone’s pain in this season, please do it.
Speak Encouraging Words: Yes, words. Use your words to lift people. This is not the time to tear people down; life is tough enough. Determine to encourage people with your words. Someone wants to hear that they are enough, someone wants to know that they are valued, and someone wants to know that there is hope and it is not over – and these are all opportunities to encourage people. Use your words to acknowledge the good in people, encourage their effort and affirm their worth. In this season, your words could be that positive force that sustains people and helps them win this crisis.
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