Realtors push for industry insider as next CS

The seat fell vacant after President William Ruto early in the month dissolved cabinet

In Summary

•Following the head of state’s move, Kenyans are now left in the dark on how long it will take to reconstitute his Cabinet.

•The Association is pushing for its spokesperson Perminus Kariuki, for the position.

RESA spokesperson Perminus Kariuki.
RESA spokesperson Perminus Kariuki.

Realtors are proposing that one of their members be appointed as the next Cabinet Secretary in the Ministry of Lands, Public Works, Housing, and Urban Development.

Speaking in Nairobi, members of the Association of Real Estate Stakeholders (RESA) urged President William Ruto to choose someone with a background in the real estate sector to address critical issues facing the industry.

President William Ruto had announced that the hiring process of the new cabinet secretaries will through a multi sectoral forum.

“From the previous appointments we have analysed, it is our strong belief that the President should consider someone with real estate experience. There are many issues in the land sector that only someone from the sector will understand,” said RESA Chairman Kinyua Wairatu.

The Association is pushing for its spokesperson Perminus Kariuki, for the position.

“Those of us in real estate understand the problems and have the right solutions. For example, we have serious proposals to address fraud,” he added.

The real estate stakeholders argue that appointing someone from the realtors will acknowledge the sector's significant tax contributions and infrastructure improvements.

“We contribute a lot in taxes and have improved many areas in terms of infrastructure. We not only buy land but also add value to it,” said RESA member Stephen Kigathe.

Following the head of state’s move, Kenyans are now left in the dark on how long it will take to reconstitute his Cabinet.

According to the Parliamentary Standing Orders, once the President has nominated his Cabinet, the names are transmitted to the National Assembly for consideration.

The Speaker is then expected to commit the names to the Committee of Appointments which will within 14 to 28 days assess the suitability of the nominees to hold office.

The decision of the House team is then transmitted to the House through a report and if the MPs give the nod, the President is expected to formally appoint the CSs.

Meanwhile, RESA has declared a campaign against fraudulent land-selling companies lacking proper certification. Wairatu announced an ambitious effort to expose fraudsters and aims to register over 2,000 companies by next year.

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