State to unveil program to empower Gen Zs economically

It will be implemented through various government agencies

In Summary

•According to the CS, the NYOTA Project aims to enhance employability, expand job opportunities, support youth savings, and strengthen youth employment systems.

•The project is expected to be launched within the next month and will promote 110,000 youth-led MSMEs with start-up capital and mentorship.

Youths who attended this year’s International Youth Day celebrations at Swahili Pot in Mombasa County.
Youths who attended this year’s International Youth Day celebrations at Swahili Pot in Mombasa County.

The government is set to unveil a new programme targeting Kenyan youth aged between 18 and 29 years aimed at improving their participation in state programs.  

The NYOTA Project will be looking to reach an estimated 810,000 vulnerable youth including those that are up to 35 years old with disabilities.

Sports Cabinet Secretary Kipchumba Murkomen said that the government is championing policy reforms to place youth at the center of national development.

“This initiative targets those with Form four level education and below, who are at the bottom of the economic and social pyramid due to limited access to government programs,” said Murkomen

According to the CS, the NYOTA Project aims to enhance employability, expand job opportunities, support youth savings, and strengthen youth employment systems.

 It will be implemented through various government agencies, including the Ministry of Youth Affairs, Creative Economy, and Sports, as well as the Micro and Small Enterprises Authority (MSEA) and the National Social Security Fund Board of Trustees (NSSFBT).

Kenya, one of East Africa's largest and most dynamic economies, is grappling with a severe youth unemployment crisis.

An alarming 80 per cent of the unemployed population consists of young people, with an estimated 500,000 to 800,000 new entrants joining the job market annually.

The economy's inability to absorb this influx has led to a labor force participation rate of just 38 per cent among those aged 15 to 24, posing a significant threat to the country's social and economic stability.

The CS noted that the government is implementing a range of initiatives aimed at enhancing youth employment and entrepreneurship beyond the Talanta Hela Initiative, the youth Fund and The Annual Presidential Innovation Challenge.

“The National Youth Policy, currently under review, is being updated to address the evolving challenges and opportunities faced by young people in Kenya today,” added Murkomen.

Although the overall unemployment rate in Kenya is at 12.7 per cent, the youth (15 – 34 year olds), have the highest unemployment rate of 67 per cent.

According to Murkomen, the project is expected to be launched within the next month and will promote 110,000 youth-led MSMEs with start-up capital and mentorship.

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