
Mombasa promised gender violence policy by year-end

Speaker acted after nominated MCA raised question on its existence


Counties27 February 2020 - 19:00

In Summary

    The rising cases of gender-based violence in Mombasa have prompted the drafting of a Sexual and Gender-Based Violence policy to be ready by year-end.

    Nominated MCA Amriya Boy Juma on Thursday raised the matter as she sought to know from Youth and Gender committee chair if the county had one. 

    Chair Tobias Samba's report showed that the county does not have any such policy. 

    Speaker Ebrahim Harub ruled that there is a need to have the policy and directed the department to come up with one before the end of the year.

    “My office and that of the clerk are open and ready to support with any resources required,” Harub said. 

    Juma said SGBV has forced children aged between 15 and 16 into marriages and urged the department to work on the policy. 

    “The department is aware of the importance of the policy and my committee has embarked on a policy formulation process that will comprehensively address the issue," Samba responded. 

    The report stated that the department has formed an SGBV Technical Working Group with representation from the International Centre for Reproductive Health-Kenya, Action Aid, Muslims for Human Rights and other stakeholders. 

    The stakeholders are expected to carry out a comprehensive and coordinated approach to SGBV which will include prevention, care and support and efforts to hold perpetrators accountable. 

    However, the report – which led to debate – brought to the attention of members that there is one SGBV centre yet to be completed in Likoni.

    “Started in 2016 by Woman Representative Mishi Mboko but unfortunately her term came to an end before the completion of construction,” Mwaka Juma (nominated) said.

    Likoni MCA Athman Mwamiri said the land was donated by the community.

    Deputy Speaker Fadhili Mwalimu said more centres should be built in other constituencies.

    "The policy is very important especially to women. I, therefore, urge each member to take the matter seriously for us to come up with a solution," Hamidah Noor (nominated) said. 

    Edited by R.Wamochie 


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