
Secondary Schools Heads Association donates PPEs to Nyeri county

The donation came from 220 secondary school principals drawn from the county.


Counties02 May 2020 - 09:00

In Summary

  • •The 22 reusable hazmat suits  will be used by various workers on the frontline of the fight against coronavirus pandemic. 
  • • They said they opted to donate the PPEs after realising that many people have given donations but have not provided the hazmat suits.
Nyeri County KESSHA chairman Cyrus Wachira holds PPEs donated by secondary school principals as governor Mutahi Kahiga (right) looks on

The Kenya Secondary Schools Heads Association has donated personal protective equipment worth Sh100,000 to the Nyeri county government.

The 22 reusable hazmat suits  will be used by various workers on the frontline of the fight against coronavirus pandemic.

Nyeri county KESSHA chairman Cyrus Wachira said the association cannot exonerate itself from what is happening in the county and that is why it came out to offer support.

“We have seen many people coming in with donations and as the principals’ association, we thought that we look at the frontline health professionals, the great work that they are doing, the support that they are giving to our people and we thought this is the best time for us to come and support them so that their work become easier and safer and feel protected,” he said.

The donation came from 220 secondary school principals drawn from the county.

 “We have also made sure that what we are donating today is the reusable type,” he said.

The PPEs, he said, were bought at Dedan Kimathi University of Technology in Nyeri, which is manufacturing them.

Supporting local manufacturers around will help better Nyeri county economy, he said.

Nyeri Governor Mutahi Kahiga thanked the teachers for their support.

Edited by E.Kibii


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