
Meru elders want Tharaka border dispute settled

Say tension grows at border every time there are wrangles of any kind.

by gerald mutethia

Counties09 June 2020 - 19:00

In Summary

  • • Elders say Governor Kiraitu and MP Kabeabea failed to amicably solve the disputed border between Tharaka and Tigania East neighbours.
  • • Say there have been frequent disputes because the government is not committed to solving the long-standing impasse.

The Njuri Ncheke Council of Elders from Thangatha in Meru wants the county's border dispute with Tharaka Nithi resolved. 

The elders said this will lead to peaceful coexistence and avoid the tensions that grow each time there are wrangles of any kind.

The elders cast doubts on Meru Governor Kiraitu Murungi’s administration and Tigania East MP Gichunge Kabeabea, saying they have failed to amicably solve the disputed border between Tharaka and Tigania East neighbours.

Igarii council chairman Kabwi Mucheke said people were deceived by the National Assembly Land committee led by Kabeabea in May last year in Ngoangoaka where they presented the original maps for boundary marking.

“We were promised feedback in six months. What has caused the delay? We ask the MP, the county commissioner and the governor to make the findings open to the public. Why should people live in tensions and suspicion due to their failure?” he asked.

Council organising secretary Sabastian Muchiri said there have been frequent disputes because the government is not committed to solving the long-standing impasse.

“We had started a chief’s office at Kiembeni, why did its construction stop? We want to know why we have a roadblock creating tension at Ngage from Tharaka administrators,” he said.

Meanwhile, the elders also lamented that the national government turned a deaf ear on their pleas for them to be considered for the elderly's stipends.

“Many of us in Igarii, Ikana, Kunati and Thangatha wrote our names and forwarded them to chiefs but we have yet to benefit from those funds. We urge the government to intervene and see that the elders who cannot go for manual jobs can get the money,” Muchiri said.

Edited by R.Wamochie 

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