
Mixed reactions in Homa Bay over reopening

Lobby says move will revive economy, clerics say virus will spread


Counties07 July 2020 - 19:00

In Summary

  • • Traders' association official says elderly people in up-country would easily contract the virus as movement from urban to rural places will increase.
  • • Head of lobby Homa Bay Bunge La Wenye Nchi Walter Opiyo said the move will boost the residents’ income. 
Homa Bay town on July 6, 2020

Homa Bay residents are divided in opinion after President Uhuru Kenyatta lifted the cessation of movement order put in place to stem the spread of coronavirus.

Kenyans living in counties of Mombasa, Nairobi and Mandera which are among those hard hit with Covid-19 are now free to travel to other counties. 

But Sindo Traders’ Association chairman John Kisiara and Sindo Full Gospel Glow church clergy Thomas Kibira said they are not pleased with the move on grounds that it will lead to further spread of coronavirus.

Kisiara on Monday argued that elderly people in the rural villages will easily contract the virus as movement from urban to rural places will increase.

He said elderly persons are vulnerable to the virus due to their weak immune systems. “People in rural Kenya are now going to mingle with those who travel from counties with high cases of coronavirus infection. Elderly persons in rural places are at risk as spread of the disease is going to increase." 

He said re-opening the economy had come at a wrong time when cases of coronavirus continue to rise.

“How is that going to prevent spread of the virus?”Kisiara asked.

Kibira said the country needs serious prayers to end the virus.

“There is a need for the people of Kenya to repent and return to God. We need to pray and spell out the curse of Covid-19,” Kibira said.  

But the head of Homa Bay Bunge La Wenye Nchi Walter Opiyo said the move will boost the residents’ income. 

Opiyo said the decision will enable residents resume their income-generating activities.

He said many people have been starving due to the virus restrictions. 

“It is true that many people are suffering due to lack of income. I laud the President for re-opening the economy,” Opiyo said.


Edited by R.Wamochie 

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