A film titled ‘Sarah’, which aims at tackling stigma and addressing challenges faced by people with disabilities has premiered in Mombasa.
Dream Achievers Youth Organization sponsored the film.
The film shows the challenges that PWDs go through in their quest to access healthcare services.
Speaking during the screening of the film, Dayo executive director Seif Jira said PWDs in Mombasa have continued to suffer adverse socio-economic outcomes due to stigma.
“This film is an eye opener to all of us, to know that everyone has a right to healthcare services including PWDs. We came up with the film idea to paint the real picture to those who will see it,” he said.
Jira aid they are working on a policy that will ensure that their plights are addressed.
The film was produced by AR film production.
Mombasa AR Film company director Daudi Anguka called for a collective effort in championing for rights of PWDs.
“As a company, we are committed to telling stories that will inform, and advocate for certain changes in society. In the Sarah Film, we are telling the people to respect the rights of PWDs,” he said.
Mombasa county NCPWD coordinator Juliet Ruwa, said persons with disability have continued to bear the brunt of marginalisation in health, education and development.