Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Nassir has called on the Mombasa county assembly to set aside their differences and work towards solving the perennial land problem in the county.
This comes as Kisauni residents petitioned the governor to solve long-standing land issues in the area where people own houses but not the lands they sit on.
Nassir said the land question is one of three things that have historically been used to step on the Coastal people by people in positions of power.
The county executive committee has prepared a bill that will establish the Ardhi Fund in Mombasa which will be used to buy off large parcels of land from owners who have disputes with occupiers of the land.
“The bill clearly defines who an absentee landlord is. It also stipulates ways in which to solve disputes where people live in a parcel of land for ages then someone appears with a title deed claiming ownership,” Nassir said on Tuesday at Kadongo grounds.
He called on the county assembly to pass the bill so that Mombasa residents can breathe a sigh of relief after decades of land disputes.
“I am proud and confident of the county assembly and the MCAs, from the top hierarchy to the bottom person. I have faith that you will be on the journey to save the Mombasa people,” Nassir said.
The Ardhi Fund Bill, he said, will ensure that where there is a dispute, a government valuer will be appointed to value the parcel and then the county will buy it off and give it to those occupying that land at a small fee.
The fund will get its monies from part of the land rates that Mombasa residents will be paying to the county.
He lauded Mjambere MCA Amriya Boy for her leadership role in trying to galvanise the MCAs, especially those from the Kisauni subcounty, to pass the bill.
“My advice to you all, work together as a team. Do not be divided. Respect the hierarchy that is there so that you can work in harmony,” Nassir said.
He noted that after all is said and done, the electorate will judge the leaders based on what they did and not what they said.
“I assure you that you have my support. Every one of you has my support. Anyone who has a problem, I will try to solve them for you," he said.
“I will also bring bills to you for consideration so we can work together."
There has been a silent tussle among the county leaders for the support of the MCAs, who are now divided on where to place their loyalty.
The majority of the MCAs are loyal to assembly Speaker Aharub Khatri, while others are loyal to Governor Nassir.
This has reportedly brought tension between Nassir and Khatri.
Speaking at Kadongo grounds on Tuesday where area MCA Amriya also called on her colleagues to work together in harmony, Nassir said leadership comes from God.
Amriya said she will remain loyal to Nassir for his work for her Mjambere people.
She asked the governor to fix three drainages that are giving her sleepless nights.
“One is at Kadongo, another is at Water Barani. Give an order so that next week the people will be on the ground fixing the drainages,” Amriya said.
On land, Amriya said the law encourages the government to facilitate negotiations between tenants and landlords.
She said there should be a mechanism where landlords are given a leasehold for 99 years so they can build houses and pay for the lands in small instalments.
“But we see the landlords writing letters to our mothers asking for Sh3 million, Sh4 million or Sh2 million. With this hot sun, where will our mothers get this money?” Amriya questioned.
She said the land rates are paid at a small fee of Sh500 per month or Sh6,000 a year.
If the 99 leasehold is given, it would be around Sh590,000 in total, she noted.
“This can be paid slowly by our mothers. It is much more affordable,” she noted.
She also asked that the tenants in Mjambere be given certificates of occupation so that they can be free to repair the houses whenever need be.