Uhuru snubs Ngahu’s homecoming

LEFT STANDING: MPs Clement Wambugu (Mathioya), Tirus Ngahu (Kangema), Elias Mbau (Maragua) and Maina Kamau (Kandara) during the thanksgiving ceremony at General Kago Stadium in Kangema on Saturday. Photo/JESSE MWANGI
LEFT STANDING: MPs Clement Wambugu (Mathioya), Tirus Ngahu (Kangema), Elias Mbau (Maragua) and Maina Kamau (Kandara) during the thanksgiving ceremony at General Kago Stadium in Kangema on Saturday. Photo/JESSE MWANGI

Uhuru Kenyatta yesterday skipped the homecoming party for the new Kangema MP Tirus Ngahu. The DPM was expected to be the chief quest during the event but failed to attend. There was even more confusion as Cabinet ministers left the event after they realised that Uhuru would not attend.

Ngahu won the seat on the TNA ticket. Cabinet ministers Jamleck Kamau ( Nairobi Metropolitan),Naomi Shaban (Special Programmes), Katoo Ole Metito (Internal security) left General Kago Stadium where the event was held minutes after news streamed in that Uhuru would not attend.

They were followed by other MPs allied to the DPM who included Maishon Leshoomo (nominated), Walter Nyambati and Njoroge Baiya, who left immediately the event started. Residents said political rivalry could be the reason the Cabinet ministers left before addressing them.

Many raised questions on whether Uhuru failure to attend the event was in any way connected with the ongoing rivalism among the Murang’a leaders. Sources indicated that Jamleck rebuffed the event because of the the presence of three MPs form Murang’a county who were said to have been supporting another candidate during the the September 17 by-election campaigns.

The actions also raised questions on the relationship between the DPM and the Murang’a legislators who declared during the event that they will back him for presidency. DPM spokes man Munyori Buku had said Uhuru would be at the event in the afternoon. Uhuru however failed to turn up.

Munyori, through a text message, said the DPM had been held up by a crucial matter concerning party issues and required his agent attention. “Sorry for this late communication, the DPM is held up by a crucial matter that came up at the eleventh hour and only he could attend to it,” said the text message.

However, it emerged that failed to attend the event due to the ongoing fights among the leaders who have also engaged in a fierce blame game. Source close to the politicians said things are not working well between the six Murang’a Mps and including Peter Kenneth(Gatanga)and Muturi Mwangi(Kiharu) and the minister.

“It is evident that the Mps are fighting over whom to coordinate Uhuru’s campaigns in Murang’a,”said the source. The source further hinted that Jamleck was irked by the presence of MPs Elias Mbau (Maragua), Clement Wambugu (Mathioya) and Maina Kamau (Kandara) who are said to have supported one of Ngahu’s rivals.

Mbau,who was called to be the master of ceremony when he rose to speak admitted having not supported Ngahu because they did not want to ‘interfere’ with the ‘choice’ of Kangema people. “Many people were wondering why we did not visit Kangema during the campaigns, the reason why you did not see us is because we did not want to meddle with Kangema politics and we wanted the constituents to make their own choice,” said the Maragua MP.

He said since now Kangema people have made their choice of the leader to replace the late Environment Minister John Michuki they have embraced Ngahu and would work together with him. In a thinly veiled attack at the minister the Maragua MP said there was no bad blood between them and the DPM adding that those spreading the propaganda not cease from the debate immediately.

“We have no differences with Uhuru and he should be told that we are fully behind his presidential bid and his TNA party,” added Mbau. Wambugu on his part said Ngahu should be given be given a direct nomination come next general election. “He (Ngahu) has already gone through two elections, the nomination and the by-election, and so he deserves to be allowed to sail through next year,” said the Mathioya legislator in sentiments echoed by the Kandara MP.

However, The National Alliance (TNA) party Secretary General Onyango Oloo ruled out such a possibility and said all candidates would be subjected to the nomination process. The Murang’a MPs also sneaked out of the function before it was over and could be seen running to their vehicles in a bid to leave.

They left the venue before the hold (Ngahu) addressed the gathering. During his address the new Kangema MP called upon the warring lawmakers to end their differences for the sake of Uhuru. While lauding the announcement by the three Mps to back the DPM,Ngahu who is the first TNA mp in the area called for unity saying the leaders should cease debates on whom was senior than the other but work towards consolidating votes for Mr. Kenyatta.

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