Former Kanu men jostle for TNA ticket in Murang’a

OPPONENTS: Former Kanu secretary general Joseph Kamotho in a press briefing.Photo/Jesse Mwangi
OPPONENTS: Former Kanu secretary general Joseph Kamotho in a press briefing.Photo/Jesse Mwangi

The race for the senator seat in Murang’a county has gathered momentum after three former ministers declared their bid. Kanu former secretary general Joseph Kamotho, former assistant minister Kembi Gitura and former Makuyu MP Nduati Kariuki have declared they will vie for the seat on the TNA party ticket.

No aspirant had declared interest in the seat since the death of Environment minister John Michuki. Kamotho, former Mathioya MP, is said to have the support of five MPs from Murang’a, current Mathioya MP Clement Wambugu, Maragua’s Elias Mbau, Muturi Mwangi (Kiharu), Maina Kamau (Kandara) and Gatanga MP Peter Kenneth.

He finally bowed to pressure to join DPM Uhuru Kenyatta's party after refusing to support him for a long time. The former cabinet minister said he will bank on his experience to woo voters.

“I believe I am the most qualified person for this post given my political experience, education background and the good relationship I have with the people,” Kamotho said during an interview with the Star.

He has held meeting with the youth, opinion leaders and civic leaders to win them over. However, some voters think Kamotho should retire from politics because he is old and has a poor track record.

Gitura on the other hand has been a long-time supporter of Uhuru. “I will support Uhuru in his bid for presidency and I will join his supporters who are campaigning for him,” he said.

Gitura is widely expected to replace Michuki. He enjoys a lot of support from the local leaders' forums which back Uhuru. Kariuki is the newest entrant in the race.

He is a former assistant minister for Finance and hails from the well known PK (Peter Kariuki) family, famed for its agricultural and business acumen in Murang’a and Thika.

Kariuki resigned from the national CDF committee. He was once the chairman of Kenya National Federation of Agriculture Producers and vice chair of the International Federation of Agriculture Producers. The aspirant has held several meeting with various farmers groups to popularise his bid

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