
Affirm commitment to peaceful polls, lobby urges political parties

The coalition promised to continue engaging political party leaders on the importance of promotion of a conducive environment for peaceful elections

by The Star

Central04 April 2022 - 10:28

In Summary

• In a press release, Obonyo said politicians and Kenyans should respect the political opinions of every Kenya irrespective of colour, religion, tribe, creed, gender or political affiliation.  

• Members of all political parties were urged to ensure peaceful campaigns while party leaders were asked to demilitarize their youth wings.

The Youth Congress director and the Coalition for Peaceful Elections in Kenya convener, Raphael Obonyo

Political parties have been urged to sign peace pledges that their leaders and members will maintain peace before, during and after the  August 9 General Election.

The Coalition for Peaceful Elections in Kenya, a platform that promotes peaceful elections, urged all Kenyans to ensure there is continued prevalence of peace in the country.

Raphael Obonyo , the lobby’s convener,  said politicians and Kenyans should respect the political opinions of every Kenyan irrespective of colour, religion, tribe, creed, gender or political affiliation.  

Obonyo is also the Youth Congress director.

“Multipartism should be about competition of ideas and not violence," he said.

"We look forward to issue-based campaigns, devoid of character assassination and cyber-bullying, especially of women candidates, ahead of the polls.” 

Peace, the statement said, was critical for more inclusive and participatory democracy and sustainable development of Kenya.

Members of all political parties were  implored to commit and ensure peaceful campaigns, while party leaders were called upon to make true the pledge by demilitarising their youth wings.

The coalition promised to continue engaging political party leaders on the importance of promotion of a conducive environment for peaceful elections.

The parties were urged to embrace equitable participation of women, men and youth at all levels.

“The coalition is immediately embarking on one-on-one engagements meetings with the various political party leaders on how best we can actualise the commitments in the pledge,” the statement said.

“As part of the dialogue and peace building processes envisaged, the coalition will also be actively monitoring the political campaigns by all the parties.”  

The lobby is also planning to organise a national day of prayers for peaceful elections.

The prayers are tentatively scheduled to take place on August 1, 2022.

The event will bring together all  political parties, the clergy and Kenyans from all denominations.

The Coalition for Peaceful Elections in Kenya is a platform that is convened by the Youth Congress and brings together strategic organisations.

Its main goal is to prevent a replica of past electoral violence incidents.

The coalition’s constituent organisations focus on promoting peaceful and credible elections, that take into account the unique needs of women, youths, people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups. 

(Edited by Francis Wadegu)

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