Private detective Jane Mugo floored in Kirinyaga UDA nominations

Mugo came a distant third with a total votes of 14,178.

In Summary

• Maina garnered a total valid votes of 35,624 followed closely by Githinji who managed 33,924.

• Maina who is making her first stab into elective politics said she has big plans for the people of Kirinyaga especially youths and women. 

UDA party Kirinyaga Woman rep flag bearer Jane Njeri Maina receiving her provisional party certificate after emerging victorious in Thursday's UDA primaries
UDA party Kirinyaga Woman rep flag bearer Jane Njeri Maina receiving her provisional party certificate after emerging victorious in Thursday's UDA primaries

Private detective Jane Mugo has been floored by a 28-year-old lawyer in the UDA Kirinyaga Woman representative nominations.

The lawyer Jane Njeri Maina garnered a total of 35,624 votes followed closely by Githinji who managed 33,924.

Jane Mugo came a distant third with a total votes of 14,178.

In the distribution of the total votes across the county, Maina reaped big in Gichugu constituency where she was voted for overwhelmingly by 9,939 voters followed by the Mwea where she managed 9,040 votes.

In Ndia constituency, 8,514 voters preferred her candidature as Kirinyaga Central gave her 8,131 votes.

Speaking to the Star shortly after she was handed the provisional certificate on Friday, the elated Advocate of the High Court exuded confidence in becoming the third county MP after the August polls.

Maina who is making her first stab into elective politics said she has big plans for the people of Kirinyaga especially youths and women.

She disclosed that she attempted her luck in becoming the second female county assembly speaker in 2017, but she didn't make it.

She revealed that she has a big heart particularly for the youths and has actively participated towards defending their interests as well as steering the youth leadership to greater heights.

Maina rooted for youth leadership saying the country is thirsting for their vibrancy and charismatic leadership as she challenged young people to get out of their comfort zones and participate in political leadership.

Jane Njeri Maina displays her UDA party certificate shortly after being declared the party 's flag bearer to the position of the Kirinyaga county MP.
Jane Njeri Maina displays her UDA party certificate shortly after being declared the party 's flag bearer to the position of the Kirinyaga county MP.

“This is just the beginning of better things to come. I have big plans for our county because our people deserve leaders with remarkable visions.”

“This is the period for youth to take up leadership positions and be persistent in  fighting  for their  space because power is taken ,it is not given. There is no other time when we will be pushed aside and told to wait for our turn ,”she said.

With her ticket at hand, the county woman representative seat will be a close race to watch as Maina is set to battle it out with her closest political rival Rose Wachira who is the Jubilee flag bearer.

Wachira, a former Kirinyaga county director of administration  has  equally  expressed her unrelenting desire to succeed the incumbent Wangui Ngirici who is now eyeing the county governor’s position.

Other candidates interested in the seat are Rose Mugucu and business woman Emma Wambui.

UDA party flag bearer to the position of the Kirinyaga county MP Jane Njeri Maina during an interview with the star newspaper on Friday.
UDA party flag bearer to the position of the Kirinyaga county MP Jane Njeri Maina during an interview with the star newspaper on Friday.
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