Food security, health and youth empowerment top Wamatangi priorities

Governor pledges to work with all leaders in the assembly to ensure realisation of hustler agenda

In Summary
  • Wamatangi  promised to revamp agriculture, upgrade infrastructure, create employment, provide clean water.
  • He also promised to build markets, improve access to quality healthcare services and boost security.
Image: Kiambu governor Kimani Wamatangi addressing members of County Assembly during his inaugural speech.He was accompanied by senator Karungo Thangwa and Woman representative Ann Wamuratha .Photo by AMOS NJAU

Kiambu Governor Kimani Wamatangi on Wednesday said his administration will help in improving service delivery to residents.

He promised an all-inclusive government to help implement his development agenda and promised to work with all elected leaders and other stakeholders to enhance services.

Wamatangi reminded the house of its constitutional mandate of legislation, representation, and oversight, adding that the assembly must operate within the mandate to serve wananchi effectively.

He promised to revamp agriculture, upgrade infrastructure, create employment, provide clean water, build markets, improve access to quality healthcare services and boost security.

The governor promised to find markets for local produce, initiate value addition for agricultural produce, improve roads, and the health sector, fund small businesses, maintain urban centres, and establish bursary funds and sponsorship for needy students.

He said if assembly and executive work in unison and promote sanity, the revenue collection will double and this will help in the improvement of service delivery. He said the county will adopt the technology in revenue collection.

The governor said his administration will enhance extension services to farmers across the county to ensure they produce enough to feed themselves and earn a living through the value addition.

 “I’m determined to bring transformation in all sectors ranging from sports, health, education, and another sector," he said.

He further said research centres will be established to cater to ranging emerging issues within the county.

The governor said he will work with the national government and investors to improve the housing sector as well as improve the digitisation of housing approval.

He further said he has formed an advisory committee to help guide the county on development matters and urged the County assembly to push for the bills that would make Kiambu great.

Wamatangi pledged to make use of available land where he noted that his administration will make Thika an industrial smart city and make use of idle Delmonte land.

He urged the assembly to push bills that would help to safeguard land use in the county, regretting that residents are uprooting coffee and tea and investing in real estate.

“The campaigns are over. It is now time to work. Let us work together and build Kiambu county and make it great,” he said his administration will collaborate with the national government to empower the residents.

He congratulated President William Ruto for the establishment of the hustlers’ fund which he said will empower society.

He lauded the bottom-up economic approach, saying, his administration will establish a “hustlers’ fund” and promote economic empowerment.

Kiambu senator Karungo Thangw'a urged members of the County Assembly to work in unity and support the governor in fulfilling the promises.

He noted that the county has great potential if marketed well and leaders work in unity.

“I would wish to request members of the assembly and executive to work together in promoting the growth of the county," he said.

Kiamwangi MCA Kung’u Smart congratulated Wamatangi's move to establish an agro-processing zone in Soko Mjinga in Gatundu that would help empower youths and create job opportunities.

He said the governor means well for the community and leaders should accord him the space to serve diligently.

“Wamatangi has told the assembly his plan for the county and we will support him for the people of Kiambu to benefit," he said.

Wamatangi was accompanied by his deputy Rosemary Kirika, Thangw’a, Woman Representative Anne Wamuratha and speaker Charles Thiong’o and members of the clergy.


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