We don't need your permit to hold meeting - Wa Iria to police

"I want to warn them that if they interfere with tomorrow's meeting, they should expect the worst to happen."

In Summary
  • Former Murang'a governor Mwangi wa Iria presented a notice to the Murang'a police station on Tuesday before County Police Commander said it was too late.
  • Wa Iria said they do not need the permission of the police to hold the meeting.
Former Murang'a governor at Murang'a police station on April 18, 2023 shortly after presenting a notice for the meeting.
Former Murang'a governor at Murang'a police station on April 18, 2023 shortly after presenting a notice for the meeting.
Image: Alice Waithera

Former Murang’a governor Mwangi Wa Iria will still hold his anti-government meeting in Murang’a on Thursday (tomorrow) despite the decision by the police to cancel it.


The former governor on Tuesday presented a notice to hold the meeting to Murang’a police station saying it will give them a platform to air their views on the challenges they have been facing including the high cost of living and the high taxes.

The meeting, Wa Iria said, would be attended by top Azimio la Umoja leadership led by Raila Odinga and would culminate in a meeting in the streets of Murang’a town.

The meeting would bring together ‘non-shareholders’.

Wa Iria said Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua had made it clear that theirs is a private company complete with shareholders and that non-shareholders have to devise ways of moving forward and fighting for their rights.

But on Wednesday, County Police Commander David Mathiu said the notice ought to have been submitted four days before and that his officers will not be available to offer security.

As such, Mathiu said, the meeting will not be allowed to take place as the police require a longer time to prepare.

Wa Iria has however said that the stakeholders' meeting is still in place and that they are not seeking the permission of the police to hold it.

He said the constitution grants Kenyans the right to assemble. 

"It is like people going to a church service and the police tell them that they need their permission. We are politicians and we don't require anybody's permission to meet."

"However, for the sake of courtesy, we informed them and they said they have rejected it. I want to tell the police that we were not asking for their permission. I have already discussed with 'Baba' and the meeting is on."

Wa Iria further noted that all Azimio leaders have confirmed their attendance and urged locals to attend.

He said should the police interfere with the meeting, then "we shall face them head-on".

"I want to warn them that if they interfere with tomorrow's meeting, they should expect the worst to happen. We can't have police officers causing chaos. Now they're saying that they are assigned elsewhere. Who told them we wanted police officers?".

He said the meeting involves citizens and that they don't have to be there.

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