Chinese contractor robbed of Sh1m workers’ salary in Kiambu

Thugs kicked him in the stomach and fled with the cash on motorcycle

In Summary

• Police suspect the gang had prior information about the money

Crime scene
Crime scene

Detectives are hunting down a gang that attacked a Chinese manager at a construction site in Kiambu and robbed him of Sh1.1 million that was meant for casual workers.

The incident happened on July 31 at about 11 am in Kahoya area where China Estate Construction company has a base.

According to police and witnesses, He Zhi Qiang, 41, was at the site, preparing to pay workers when he was accosted by a gang of two men armed with machetes.

The men robbed him of the cash meant for the workers and his passport at the site office.

This is after they apparently kicked him in the stomach and left leg below the knee.

The gang then escaped to an unknown direction using a motorcycle.

The victim was rushed to Kiambu Level 4 Hospital, where he was treated and discharged in stable condition.

Police say they are looking for the gang.

The team says they suspect the gang had prior information about the money.

Meanwhile, police are looking for a gang that attacked and robbed a driver of a lorry on Mombasa-Nairobi highway in Taita Taveta.

The driver told police he had arrived at Manyani prison on the Nairobi-Mombasa highway with his Mercedes Benz tanker, heading towards Mombasa, when he stopped for a short call.

He said he was attacked by three men, one in a jungle uniform, who came from the general direction of Mombasa in a Toyota probox KCW, black in colour, while purporting to be police officers.

The gang forced him into their vehicle and tied him with a sisal rope as one of them drove the tanker towards Mombasa.

According to the driver, they went with him and he was later abandoned in the bush, having been robbed of his mobile phone, documents and Sh3,200.

He managed to untie himself and found his way to the main road, where he got a lift from a matatu to Voi, where he reported the matter.

No arrest or recovery has been made following the August 1 incident.

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