Investor seeks to set up Sh190m avocado farm in Naivasha

The project will be undertaken in phases with an aim to achieve 400 hectares

In Summary
  • EIA is a critical examination of the effects of a project on the environment.
  • It identifies both negative and positive impacts of any development activity or project, how it affects people, their property and the environment.
A worker at Sunripe company packs Hass avocado for export.
SAFETY STANDARDS: A worker at Sunripe company packs Hass avocado for export.

A new investor has proposed to put up a multi million-shilling avocado farm in Naivasha, even as the crop becomes the new gold for many farmers.

Avocado farming is gaining traction due to its high demand locally and in international markets.

Evergreen Avocados Ltd. has submitted an Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report to the National Environment Management Authority, seeking to set up the farm.

“The project is listed as a High-Risk Project thus requiring the proponent to submit a Study Report. The report details the findings of an environmental and social impact assessment for the proposed establishment of Evergreen Avocados Farm in Ndabibi Farm, Naivasha Sub-county, Nakuru County.”

The study report has been prepared in accordance with the Environmental Management and Coordination Act, Cap 387, Environmental Impact Assessment and Audit Regulations of 2003.

EIA is a critical examination of the effects of a project on the environment.

It identifies both negative and positive impacts of any development activity or project, how it affects people, their property and the environment.

EIA also identifies measures to mitigate the negative impacts, while maximising on the positive ones. It is basically a preventive process.

It seeks to minimise adverse impacts on the environment and reduces risks. If a proper EIA is carried out, then the safety of the environment can be properly managed at all stages of a project- planning, design, construction, operation, monitoring and evaluation as well as decommissioning.

The avocado project will be undertaken in phases with an aim to achieve 400 hectares (988 acres).

The project is estimated to cost Sh190 million.

The costs cover rehabilitation works, land preparation, and development of the irrigation infrastructure.

The Nema submission fee is Sh190,020 which is 0.1 per cent of the project cost.

“Avocado farming presents a more profitable venture, particularly for the export market compared to other crops such as wheat, which has been the main crop under cultivation. The proponent intends to introduce varieties that are suited to the climatic conditions of the area,” part of EIA Study Report says.

Kenya is a prominent avocado producer in Africa, with key export destinations such as the Netherlands, the United Arab Emirates, France and Spain.

Avocado farming has been gaining precedence in the country among the commercial farms as well as the local community.

In September 2023, Kenya deepened its presence globally after exporting its inaugural consignment of 400 kilogrammes of avocados to India.

The Food and Agriculture Organisation ranks Kenya among top 15 avocado producing countries in the world.

FAO said Mexico produced 2.4 million metric tonnes, while Colombia followed with 980,000 metric tonnes end of 2021.

Peru produced 777,000 metric tonnes, Indonesia (669,000 metric tonnes) and Dominican Republic (634,000 metric tonnes).

Kenya led other African countries with a production of 417,000 metric tonnes followed by Ethiopia with 152,000 metric tonnes.

Avocado is estimated to contribute an average of over $100 million (equivalent to Sh16 billion) annually to export earnings.

In March last year, Kenya exported the first batch of 20,000 tonnes of avocado to China.

The report shows the project will be undertaken in phases owing to the magnitude of project activities, particularly establishment of the plantations.

Evergreen Avocados Ltd said it has acquired 1,415 hectares (3,496 acres) of land from Domino Investments Ltd at Ndabibi Farm.

The proposed farm is near the boundary of Nakuru and Narok counties.

The parcels are registered as LR. No. 20591/196, 198, 199, 201, 202, 205, 206 and 208.

Evergreen Avocados Ltd owns the land under a lease hold.

The potential negative impacts include occupational health and safety issues affecting workers undertaking various project activities, soil erosion as a result of the vegetation clearance during the initial stages and modification of local hydrology and ecology.

Some of the positive impacts of the proposed project include increased job opportunities and livelihood options, increased agricultural production, increased tree cover in the area, multiplier benefits associated with Corporate Social Responsibility and leveraging for infrastructural development in the area.

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