The body of a five-year-old girl whose mother jumped with her into River Nyamindi in Kirinyaga county has been found.
The tragedy happened on Saturday in apparent suicide, police said.
The motive of the suicide is yet to be known.
Gichugu sub-county police commander Johnson Wachira said the body of the child was discovered at Gichogo village on Saturday night.
Residents who were fetching water from the river saw the body floating and alerted authorities.
He said they are working with the local residents to find the body of her mother, Maureen Wangui, who is still missing.
“We are yet to know what prompted her to do that,” he said.
On Saturday morning, Wangui, 29, jumped into River Nyamindi with her five-year-old daughter strapped to her back.
Police said the fact that she had strapped the child on her back shows she planned suicide.
Her uncle Stephen Maembe said Wangui was seen at Kainamoi coffee factory jumping into the river.
A guard who witnessed the incident raised the alarm before informing police.
The incident shocked Kabiro-ini villagers.
Wangui's grandmother Fridah Njoki told journalists Wangui and her daughter had come to visit her as her parents, who are civil servants, work in Embu County.
The body of the girl was taken to Kibugi funeral home as residents continued searching for the body of Wangui.
Cases of suicide are on the rise in the country amid calls to address the trend.