Let experts guide revenue allocation process – MP Muratha

The Kiambu woman rep said one-man-one-vote-one-shilling proposal may hurt some regions.

In Summary
  • Muratha asked President William Ruto to engage a team of economic experts to guide the country and the government on revenue allocation.
  • She at the same time appealed to leaders in Mt Kenya region to analyse the one-man-one-vote-one-shilling concept before campaigning for it.
Kiambu woman representative Anne Muratha speaking at Ndumberi stadium on Wednesday, June 5, 2024.
Kiambu woman representative Anne Muratha speaking at Ndumberi stadium on Wednesday, June 5, 2024.

Kiambu woman representative Ann Muratha has called for the formation of a committee of experts to check on the revenue allocation to counties.

Muratha said that even though she is not opposed to one-man-one-vote-one-shilling proposal, she believes the proposal was not fit for the country.

She said once adopted, several county's will benefit by getting too much money than others.

The law maker noted that county's such as Kiambu, Nairobi and Kisumu would receive the lion's share of sharable revenue from Treasury if the proposal was adopted.

“This means that people who come from regions with fewer people will feel bad when they do not get a lot of money for bursaries and other services,” she said.

The legilstor was speaking at Ndumberi stadium on Wednesday while distributing bursary cheques from the National Government Affirmative Fund (NGAF).

"Some regions might get a lot of money and develop so much while others might end up stagnating for a long time," she added.

Muratha asked President William Ruto to engage a team of economic experts to guide the country and the government on revenue allocation  to ensure uniforminity in development.

She at the same time appealed to leaders in Mt Kenya region to analyse the one-man-one -vote-one-shilling concept before campaigning for it.

Her proposal comes at a time when a section of leaders from Mt Kenya are pushing for the introduction of the one-man-one-vote-one-shilling formula of revenue allocation to the devolved units.

Muratha said some regions in Mt Kenya might be among those not to benefit so much owing to their population dynamics.

"We have regions with a lower population. We might campaign for something that we will start crying fowl after several years. Let us be well guided," she said.

Muratha at the same time urged leaders to research properly on the issue so as not to place the country in a corner that will be difficult to get out of.

She also asked Mt Kenya leaders to focus and serve residents saying too much succession politics were confusing the locals who want to be served.

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