Maragua NG-CDF builds new primary school

Learners from Kimorori/Wempa walk seven kilometres to the nearest public school.

In Summary

• Karugu Primary School is being established on 34 acres of land purchased by the county government in 2014.

• Maragua NG-CDF has set aside Sh6.5 million to build a perimeter wall, construct five classrooms, an ablution block for learners and teachers, and an administration block.

Maragua MP Mary Waithera during the groundbreaking ceremony of Karugu Primary School in Kimorori/Wempa ward.
Maragua MP Mary Waithera during the groundbreaking ceremony of Karugu Primary School in Kimorori/Wempa ward.
Image: Alice Waithera

Maragua NG-CDF has started construction of a new school to decongest primary schools in Kimorori/Wempa ward.

Karugu Primary School is being built in Zabka where children are forced to walk seven kilometres to PK Primary School, the nearest public learning institution.

It is being established on 34 acres bought by the county government in 2014 during former Governor Mwangi wa Iria's tenure.

Bought at Sh247 million, the land was one of the grounds raised by MCAs to impeach Wa Iria in 2015 as they claimed it had been overvalued.

Wa Iria’s impeachment was, however, overturned by the Senate as the reasons given by MCAs did not meet the constitutional threshold.

Maragua MP Mary Waithera, who previously served as a nominated MCA in the county assembly and who tabled the impeachment motion against the former governor, said residents had requested for a school to be built on the land.

The site of the new school that has benefitted from a streets upgrade project by the county government.
The site of the new school that has benefitted from a streets upgrade project by the county government.
Image: Alice Waithera

“Residents have been asking for a school to be established on this land to save their children from long walks,” she said.

Waithera said other schools in the area, including Mukerenju and Githanji, are also far.

“Walking for that long every day denies children their constitutional right to education as they get to school tired and struggle to focus on their studies,” she said.

Waithera said she requested Governor Irungu Kang’ata to allocate 15 acres for a primary and secondary school but the county government hived off seven acres for the project.

She said her NG-CDF kitty has set aside Sh6.5 million to establish a perimeter wall, construct five classrooms, an ablution block for learners and teachers, and an administration block.

The county government had established an ECDE centre adjacent to the primary school.

“By January, we will enrol PP1, PP2, Grades 1, 2 and 3 learners. After we are done with the primary school, we will then start the secondary school,” the legislator said.

A clergyman anoints the school's site as Governor Irungu Kang'ata and MP Mary Waithera follow closely during the groundbreaking ceremony.
A clergyman anoints the school's site as Governor Irungu Kang'ata and MP Mary Waithera follow closely during the groundbreaking ceremony.
Image: Alice Waithera

She said the primary school will sit on four acres and the secondary school on three acres. The two facilities will share a common playground.

The remaining part of the land has been set aside for the Sh500 million Exports Processing Zone being established jointly by the county and national governments.

The EPZ is expected to provide jobs and a ready market for local produce, growing the local economy.

“This primary school will also absorb children from workers who will relocate to the area to work in the EPZ,” Waithera said.

PK Primary School head teacher Elijah Muiruri said with 2,000 pupils and 44 teachers, the teacher-pupil ratio is too high, making it difficult for teachers to accord each learner sufficient time.

He said his school has been facing strained resources including classrooms, toilets and water due to the high number of students.

The EPZ being established jointly by the county and national government and which is opposite the new Karugu Primary School.
The EPZ being established jointly by the county and national government and which is opposite the new Karugu Primary School.
Image: Alice Waithera

“The teachers burden will also reduce once this school is opened and improve the quality of learning for learners,” he said.

Kang’ata reiterated his commitment to support education, noting that about eight ECDEs centres from the area had been upgraded.

He urged the national government to expedite the completion of the EPZ to create jobs for residents.

“We told the national government that as part of our contribution towards the EPZ, we would first invest in establishing a road into the land to ease access under our Smart Cities programme. The road will also ease access to the school”.

Resident Jane Wanjiru said her children walk almost one hour to Githanji Primary School and when it rains, she is forced to walk with them because of hippos from nearby dams.

“Now they will be getting to school fresh because it is just near our homes,” she said.

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