Irrigation Authority ranked best parastatal in the country

Athi Water Works Development Agency came second followed by Kenya Revenue Authority.

In Summary
  • The authority bagged the first place in the survey that was conducted between July 14 and August 31 this year.
  • It interviewed 10,801 respondents with 73.2 per cent of the interviewees indicating their confidence with the parastatal.
A farmer harvesting Onions in Tana Irrigation Scheme, Tana River county.
A farmer harvesting Onions in Tana Irrigation Scheme, Tana River county.
Image: NIA

A survey conducted by Kenya Trak Research firm has ranked the National Irrigation Authority best performing parastatal in the country in accountability and good governance.

The authority bagged the first place in the survey that was conducted between July 14 and August 31 this year.

It interviewed 10,801 respondents with 73.2 per cent of the interviewees indicating their confidence with the parastatal.

Athi Water Works Development Agency came second with 72.8 per cent approval rating, Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) was ranked third with 71.1 per cent while National Environment Management Authority (Nema) came fourth with 70.9 per cent.

The survey that ranked the top 20 parastatals in the country listed Kenya Railways Corporation in the fifth position followed by the Anti-Counterfeit Agency, Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGEN) and the Bomas of Kenya respectively

Kenya Urban Roads Authority (KURA) took ninth position with 66.4 per cent approval rating followed closely by Kenya Medical Research Institute (Kemri) with a score of 66 per cent.

Others included Capital Market Authority (CMA) (65.9 per cent), Retirements Benefits Authority (65.4 per cent), Constituency Development Fund Board (64 per cent), Kenya Pipeline Company (63.7 per cent), Kenya Maritime Authority (63.3 per cent) and Energy Regulatory Commission (62.6 per cent)

The last four included Numerical Machining Complex (61.6 per cent), Kenya National Library Service (61.2 per cent) and Communications Authority of Kenya (60.5 per cent) with Kenya Investment Authority coming last with 60.1 per cent.

The survey indicated rising public trust in government agencies as the national government mulls privatisation of some of the parastatals.

In November last year, the National Treasury listed 11 parastatals it said were earmarked for privatisation, including KICC, citing mainly failed returns on investment and overlapping roles.

Kenya has 290 parastatals, 80 being commercial corporations.

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