Kilifi to invest more in women, to empower teenage mothers

Deputy governor Chibule says programmes such as the Mbegu Fund would be revamped to target young girls

In Summary

• Chibule who is now the patron of MTG said she will make sure that the organisation accommodates more sporting activities other than football

• MTG team coach Fathime Tibu said her team is successful because the girls are committed and never forget their humble beginnings.

Kilifi Deputy Governor Flora Chibule at Mnarani on September 26
Kilifi Deputy Governor Flora Chibule at Mnarani on September 26

Kilifi has lined up programmes and initiatives to empower women and girls, Deputy Governor Flora Chibule said on Monday.

Chibule said programmes such as the Mbegu Fund would be revamped to include special categories targeting young girls so they can invest and improve their lives.

The deputy governor spoke at Moving The Goal Post offices in Mnarani where she visited to congratulate MTG United FC which has now been elevated to the Women Premier League.

"As a county, we want to embark on the stories of change, especially among our girls owing to an increasing number of teenage mothers. We want to give them hope through different initiatives," she said.

Among the interventions, the county wants to give teenage mothers another chance to study and enable them to join technical institutions where they can learn a skill.

"The county is planning to build a sports and entertainment centre to tap into the talents of our youths. Once they encounter challenges such as early pregnancy we shall take them back to school after they give birth. We will also offer them bursaries to facilitate their studies," she said.

Chibule who is now the patron of MTG said she will make sure that the organisation accommodates more sporting activities other than football to benefit more girls.

"Because the demands of our girls are immense, we shall scout for more donors to support this programme to benefit many girls. I know this organisation is famous because of the footballing talents it has produced but we can also tap into other areas of sports and nurture more talents," she said.

MTG director Dorcas Amakobe said the organisation has assisted thousands of girls, many from poor families by giving them a new lease of life.

"We discovered that some of the girls had good football skills but could not explore their talents to full potential due to life difficulties but with this programme, many girls have benefited, some have even gone back to school through this programme," she said.

Some of the beneficiaries include Mbeyu Akida now playing her football in Greece after moving from Turkey where she was playing professional football.

"Ms Akida who hails from Kibarani near Kilifi town was among the first beneficiaries. She started her career in this institution but now plays on the international stage. She is an inspiration to many of our girls here," she said.

"We have another player who was recently poached to Tanzania where she is now plying her trade. So there are dreams that have been achieved and with more support from the county and other donors, we shall empower many girls," she said.

MTG team coach Fathime Tibu said her team is successful because the girls are committed and never forget their humble beginnings.

"We are now playing in the premier league. It has not been easy but our girls are committed to making sure that we meet our targets in life despite difficulties," she said.

"We urge the county to support us and we shall not let you down. The journey ahead is full of success but it can only be realised if the leadership will assist us along the way."

(Edited by Tabnacha O)

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