21 houses demolished by unknown men in Kwale

Kombo says at least 25 families have been rendered homeless

In Summary
  • Two semi-permanent and 16 temporary houses were destroyed and three other houses were burnt to the ground
  • Police are investigating the incident, which could be linked to a land dispute in the area.
Samburu subcounty police commander Fredrick Ombaka and senior Kwale officials assess the damage after 21 houses were destroyed on Monday, October 10.
LAND DISPUTE?: Samburu subcounty police commander Fredrick Ombaka and senior Kwale officials assess the damage after 21 houses were destroyed on Monday, October 10.

About 50 armed men demolished 21 houses in Samburu on Monday night.

Samburu subcounty police commander Fredrick Ombaka said 18 houses were demolished and three others torched by unknown men.

“Two semi-permanent and 16 temporary houses were destroyed, whereas three other houses were burnt to the ground,” he said.

Ombaka said police rushed to the scene of the incident after an alarm was raised and managed to stop the attackers.

Police said the attackers tried to escape on their vehicles, but the cops managed to shoot one of its tyres.

This forced some to escape on foot, while three were arrested at the scene.

Three vehicles were also intercepted; two Ford Rangers and a Toyota Hilux.

“The gang tried to escape using one of the vehicles, but police managed to fire one round of 9mm to deflate one of its tyres,” Ombaka said.

"At least three suspects were arrested and are in custody, helping the police with investigations.”

One of the 21 houses that were demolished by unknown armed men in Samburu, Kwale county on Monday night
VANDALISM: One of the 21 houses that were demolished by unknown armed men in Samburu, Kwale county on Monday night

Police said they also recovered several weapons among them sledge hammers, spades and iron bars.

Residents say some of the attackers were armed with guns.

Kwale Deputy Governor Chirema Kombo and Samburu assistant county commissioner Peter Seronga visited the area.

Kombo said at least 25 families have been rendered homeless.

"About 90 children also failed to go to school because of the Monday’s night attack," he said.

Seronga said they are investigating the incident, which could be linked to a land dispute in the area.

(Edited by Bilha Makokha)

A Kwale resident points towards the scene where houses were destroyed as Kwale Deputy Governor Chirema Kombo looks on.
HOMELESS: A Kwale resident points towards the scene where houses were destroyed as Kwale Deputy Governor Chirema Kombo looks on.
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