We're lucky to be alive, say victims of Samburu night attack

Residents woke up to huge fire flames, cloudy dust and screams from women and innocent children

In Summary
  • Some residents are still nursing wounds with less to say but their gloomy faces and eyes tell they are in deep pain but happy to be alive.
  • Assistant county commissioner Peter Seronga also confirmed it is a land dispute between two families and a private developer.
Mwembeni residents in Samburu, Kwale county on Saturday
HURT: Mwembeni residents in Samburu, Kwale county on Saturday

Dark ashes, rubbles, scattered clothes and utensils are what welcome you to Mwembeni village in Samburu, Kwale county.

The lonely atmosphere depicts the true nature of the horrific incident of Monday night where more than 50 armed men attacked the village and torched houses in the dead of the night.

At least 21 houses were affected rendering more than 25 families homeless. There were women, children and the elderly in the torched homes.

Some residents are still nursing wounds with less to say but their gloomy faces and eyes tell they are in deep pain but happy to be alive.

Although a week has passed, the horrible memories of the Monday night are still fresh in the minds of residents.

The residents woke up to huge fire flames, cloudy dust and screams from women and innocent children.

A villager Mkala Mdoe Matsui said it was just a normal night until when the goons arrived at around 10:30 pm on Monday night.

The thugs had covered their faces holding pangas and knives pointed at the frightened residents and children.

“A group of men attacked us while sleeping and asked everybody to get out as they razed houses,” Matsui said.

Matsui said the rooftops and mud walls fell on some children and they had to rush to rescue them.

Although the children survived the attack, they are psychologically damaged because of the trauma.

Matsui said the attackers stole money and burnt their food living them with nothing to eat. Clothes, school uniforms and books were also not spared.

Mkala Mdoe Matsui speaks in an interview at Samburu, Kwale county on Saturday
Mkala Mdoe Matsui speaks in an interview at Samburu, Kwale county on Saturday

He said they watched helplessly in the cold as the goons looted the only place they call home.

An exercise that lasted for almost two hours, according to the residents.

Matsui said it will take them time to rebuild their lives since all that they built in decades was destroyed in a single night.

Since then residents and children have been sleeping out in the cold.

They use a single tent and a few trees to protect themselves from direct sunlight during the day and in case of rain.

Mwanaidi Umazi Ngala, another resident expressed fear that they might soon develop health complications due to the strong winds at night.

"Some of us have children not big enough to withstand cold and we have nowhere to go," she said.

She said they risk attacks from wild animals. The area is known for increased human-wildlife conflict as elephants and hyenas walk around in search of food and water following the prolonged drought.

The county donated food, clothes and sleeping materials but the residents said that is not enough.

"We are grateful Governor Fatuma Achani gave us food and bedding but they are many of us who still need more help," she said.

Ngala said they have worn the same clothes since the Monday incident.

She said skin diseases will soon be at their doorstep and urged more well-wishers to assist them.

Mdoe said the past seven days have been tough for them as their lives were turned upside down and they don't know where to start.

He said their sources of livelihood have interfered and they are forced to stay at home to look after their families.

Mdoe is still worried that the goons might attack again.

Another resident, Bahati Nyamawi called on the government to provide more security and help them in rebuilding their homes.

Achani said the county has made several interventions to assist the affected families.

She said they provided assorted foods, drinks, cooking oil, rice and bedding to sustain them.

Remains of burnt houses at Samburu, Kwale county on Saturday
DAMAGE: Remains of burnt houses at Samburu, Kwale county on Saturday

On Saturday, the county doubled the support and assisted the families with clothing, food and sleeping materials.

Achani cautioned residents against selling land recklessly. She said the county is in the process of ensuring residents get title deeds to increase the value of the lands.

Deputy county commissioner Josephine Mwengi condemned the act adding that investigations are ongoing.

She urged residents to seek services from respective government offices and shun taking the law into their hands.

Samburu subcounty police commander Fredrick Ombaka said they have increased patrols and police are keeping day and night vigils to protect the residents.

Kwale Deputy governor Chirema Kombo, Governor Fatuma Achani and deputy county commissioner Josephine Mwengi in Samburu on Saturday
SOLIDARITY: Kwale Deputy governor Chirema Kombo, Governor Fatuma Achani and deputy county commissioner Josephine Mwengi in Samburu on Saturday

He said police responded quickly during the incident and were able to repulse the goons who tried to escape.

The motive of the attack is not yet known but police have linked it to a possible illegal eviction following a protracted land dispute between residents and a private developer.

Ombaka said it is believed some residents had sub-divided and sold the land to a private developer without the knowledge of others.

"We believe it's about land wrangles involving a group ranch. Some family members sold the land and left the village leaving others in trouble," he said.

Assistant county commissioner Peter Seronga also confirmed it is a land dispute between two families and a private developer.

"It started as a family land dispute and later one side sold the land creating enmity," he said.

He said the case was previously in court but they have no clue how the case ended.

However, residents said the court ruled in their favour.

Seronga criticised the illegal evictions adding that the law must be followed.

He said the government will not entertain injustice and soon the perpetrators shall be brought to book.

Three suspects are already in police custody and helping with investigations. No further arrests have been made but police have launched a manhunt.

Police also recovered pangas, sledge hammers, spades and iron bars as evidence.

Three vehicles were also seized two Ford Rangers and a Toyota Hilux

(Edited by Tabnacha O)

Remains of demolished houses in Samburu, Kwale county on Saturday
LOSSES: Remains of demolished houses in Samburu, Kwale county on Saturday
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