Kwale women form companies to bid tenders, improve lives

County is offering PWDs, women and youth tenders to help them grow economically and eradicate poverty.

In Summary

• Kilonzo said with well-coordinated small company groups, youth and women can effectively secure loans and bid tenders to transform their lives.

• Kilonzo said there are a lot of opportunities in the county that can be effectively tapped if people are empowered.

County Executive for social services and Talent Management Francisca Kilonzo speaks in an interview in Msambweni sub-county on Saturday, February 11, 2023.
ACTIVATED: County Executive for social services and Talent Management Francisca Kilonzo speaks in an interview in Msambweni sub-county on Saturday, February 11, 2023.

More than 100 women and youth groups in Kwale county have been empowered and helped to register companies.

Social Services and Talent Management executive Francisca Kilonzo said the county is offering PWDs, women and youth 30 per cent of county tenders to help them grow socioeconomically and eradicate poverty.

She said with well-coordinated small company groups, youth and women can effectively secure loans and bid tenders to transform their lives.

"We are empowering women and youth through their groups, forming companies and applying for tenders," she said.

Kilonzo said they train groups and expose them to various county opportunities and tenders. 

Previously, the county had invested heavily in Village Savings and Loans Association dubbed Visanduku. 

The groups allowed women to access loans, save and share their savings after a certain period. 

However, some women did not benefit for lacking development priorities and ended up misusing their savings.

Some were reported to have spent money on expensive clothing during weddings and parties. 

Kilonzo said the VSLAs have been performing but it is time for women and youth to go for bigger goals and change lives.

She said the county, through the social services and finance departments, will provide the necessary support.

"The VSLAs have done well but we want to empower them to grow and we have partnered with various stakeholders to ensure that happens," Kilonzo said.

She said they look forward to creating a competitive business environment and job opportunities for youth and women.

Kilonzo said there are a lot of opportunities in the county that can be effectively tapped if people are empowered.

Currently, drought is wreaking havoc in some parts of Kwale, with women and children being the most affected.

Last month, Governor Fatuma Achani and Kwale Woman Rep Fatuma Masito urged women to take their rightful place in the development of the county and engage in various businesses and jobs.

They urged women to get out of their comfort zones and look for jobs to improve their lives.

"Don't sit idle, keep yourselves busy and raise your standards and dignity," the two advised.

Masito said people shouldn't be complaining about hunger every day but should make an effort to improve their lives and break the chains of poverty.

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