Kwale leaders set aside political differences, focus on development

Achani (UDA) and Woman Rep Masito (ODM) on Monday met and promised to work together for county growth

In Summary
  • Achani, the first woman elected governor at the Coast, had come under sharp criticism from the opposition over service delivery. 
  • However, her political rivals are now coming out to support her. 
Governor Fatuma Achani and WomanRep Fatuma Masito at Kwale headquarters in Matuga, Kwale county on Monday, March 6, 2023.
UNITY: Governor Fatuma Achani and WomanRep Fatuma Masito at Kwale headquarters in Matuga, Kwale county on Monday, March 6, 2023.

Kwale county leaders have now agreed to set aside their differences and work for the people. 

Kwale Governor Fatuma Achani (UDA) and Woman Representative Fatuma Masito (ODM) on Monday met and promised to set aside their party-political issues and focus on development.

Achani, the first woman elected governor at the Coast, had come under sharp criticism from the opposition over service delivery. 

But the governor assured that the county is on the right path of development and economic recovery.

However, her political rivals are now coming out to support her. 

A week ago, her main challenger in the governor race Prof Hamadi Boga (ODM) also accepted Achani’s victory. 

Boga was among five men who were defeated by Achani. 

Boga, through two Kwale residents Suleiman Mwanguku and Dziwe Zuma, had filed a petition challenging Achani’s victory, but a High Court sitting in Mombasa dismissed the case.

Speaking at Kwale headquarters in Matuga, Achani and Masito said their priority is to serve the electorates and bring change for prosperity.

"Our singular focus is working together as Kwale leaders to deliver services to our people," they said.

Achani said politics is over and leaders must work seamlessly to deliver promises made to Kwale people. 

She said party politics won't help and should have no room in the region. 

The governor said it doesn't matter whether one was elected through a certain political party, adding that electorates only want development.

"We were elected to offer services not politicking. Campaigns are over, forget party politics and work for the citizens," she said.

Achani called for the unity of all leaders to help fast-track development and promote peace and cohesion.

She said as leaders, they must ensure county service delivery is enhanced and challenges of poverty, and unemployment are effectively addressed.

Masito said she will work together with Achani to spearhead development.

She said there is no need for enmity but to unite for a common course because Kwale people are one.

Masito appealed for an end to politics of hatred and tribalism for a cohesive county.

"Let's not put our politics on tribal alignment and embrace unity and peace," she said.

She urged other local leaders to initiate peace talks and work together.

Kwale Senator Issa Boi (ODM) is among the many opposition leaders that have reached out and made peace with Achani.

On several occasions, Boi has been publicly announcing his support for the governor since Achani won the race.

He said despite being voted on different party tickets, he will work closely with Achani to improve the lives of the locals who voted for them.

"Don't worry our governor, politics are past us now,  we will work with you to make this county great," he said in a past event in Matuga.

Boi urged other leaders to shun politics of name-calling, finger-pointing and insults, adding that they cause more harm than good. 

Recently, Nominated MCA Khadija Ngala (ODM) also vowed to work with Achani. 

Ngala said she is a strong follower of Raila Odinga but that doesn't make her disrespectful to county leaders. 

She said if the county fails to deliver, all the leaders are accountable.

Ngala said insulting Achani and her administration is like undermining the entire county leadership.

Other ODM MCAs like Hanifa Mwajirani have also followed the same suit.






-Edited by SKanyara

Kwale Governor Fatuma Achani and Woman Rep Fatuma Masito at Kwale headquarters in Matuga constituency on Monday, March 6, 2023.
TOLERANCE: Kwale Governor Fatuma Achani and Woman Rep Fatuma Masito at Kwale headquarters in Matuga constituency on Monday, March 6, 2023.
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