Taita Taveta residents urged to move to safer grounds to avoid floods

The lowlands areas in the county are prone to flooding during the rainy season.

In Summary
  • Met has warned that the ongoing rains will increase this week, exposing residents to flooding and landslides.
  • A fortnight ago, four family members were killed after flash floods swept away their house at Kironge village in Mwatate.
Taita Taveta county metrological director Robinson Asira during an interview in his Voi office.
EARLY WARNING: Taita Taveta county metrological director Robinson Asira during an interview in his Voi office.

The Meteorological department has advised Taita Taveta residents living in flood-prone areas to move to higher and safer grounds because of imminent flooding.

The lowlands areas in the county are prone to flooding during the rainy season.

Met has warned that the ongoing rains will increase this week, exposing residents in risk-prone areas to flooding and landslides.

County metrological director Robinson Asira in an advisory on Tuesday further advised those living in areas likely to be affected by landslides to take precautions.

He said light to moderate rains of up to 20 millimetres are expected to continue this week in most areas while others will receive heavy rainfall of up to 50 millimetres.

“The rains are likely to be accompanied by thunder and lightning. Temperatures are likely to range from 11 degrees Celsius to 24 degrees Celsius over the highlands, and 19 degrees Celsius to 32 degrees Celsius over the lowlands,” Asira said.

Due to low temperatures in the highlands areas, the director advised residents living in the areas to use warm clothing and bedding to keep warm and avoid the prevailing cold conditions.

He advised residents to heed to the routine updates and early warnings from the department and other disaster management agencies to reduce the losses occasioned by heavy rainfall.

Wundanyi, Mbale and Rong’e are some of the areas prone to landslides in the area while Maungu, Mwatate and Msambweni estate along the Voi rivers are prone to flooding. Others are Kimorigo, Msengoni, Lambo and Marodo in Taveta.

A fortnight ago, four family members were killed after flash floods swept away their house at Kironge village in Mwatate.

A heavily pregnant mother and her three children aged two, six and 10 years were swept away from their home following a heavy downpour in the highland areas.

Meanwhile, farmers have been advised to utilise the rains that started in early April to grow early maturing crops. They include sorghum, green grams, cow peas, pigeon peas, cassavas, sweet potatoes, groundnuts and sunflowers.


(edited by Amol Awuor)

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