Coast group vows to sell Kenya Kwanza in the region

The group says the Coast region will benefit the most from the Kenya Kwanza regime.

In Summary
  • Group chairman Mbwana Abdalla on Tuesday said President William Ruto has shown that he is an equal opportunity employer and appointed both election winners and losers into his government.
  • Naomi Cidi, one of the champions, on Tuesday, said there are leaders who keep on insulting the president and expect to benefit from him.
Wapwani Coasterian Initiative Group chair Mbwana Abdalla and Sheikh Muhdhar Khitamy.
ALLIES Wapwani Coasterian Initiative Group chair Mbwana Abdalla and Sheikh Muhdhar Khitamy.

The Kenya Kwanza administration has received a boost in the Coast region after a group was formed to popularize it.

Some community leaders from the six Coastal counties have formed an initiative which they say will be used to champion the interests of the region.

The Wapwani Coasterian Initiative Group has vowed to popularize the efforts of the Kenya Kwanza government in the region.

Group chairman Mbwana Abdalla on Tuesday said President William Ruto has shown that he is an equal opportunity employer and appointed both election winners and losers into his government.

“It has never happened in the history of this country that over 50 Coastal people have been appointed to government,” he said in Mombasa.

Naomi Cidi, one of the champions, on Tuesday, said there are leaders who keep on insulting the president and expect to benefit from him.

“Leaders who all the time insult the president will never get development,” she said during a tree planting event in Kaya Fungo.

She said Ruto has shown that he values and recognizes the Coast region and has rewarded them for supporting him despite it being a strong Azimio support base.

“For the first time since the Karisa Maitha era the Coast region has been well represented in government. The Mijikenda have been recognized,” she said.

She said people do not realize that the Coast stands to benefit the most from the Kenya Kwanza administration.

She said presidential advisor Karisa Nzai, Senate Speaker Amason Kingi, Blue Economy CS Salim Mvurya, and Public Service CS Aisha Jumwa are among the top Coastal people who shine in the Kenya Kwanza government.

She said Nzai, as the presidential advisor, is the top most Coastal person in Ruto’s government.

She said Nzai is the most important person in the Ruto administration for the Coast people and if used well will benefit the region immensely.

Cidi said if any of the government officials do not pick up calls, Nzai can talk directly to the President and things will get done.

“But we don’t speak about these things. We accept issues brought to us by people who want to antagonize the government,” said Cidi.

It is not true that the Coast region is being sidelined by the government. Instead, it is the exact opposite.

“We voted for Ruto and he is our president for five years. And I say we will give him another five years because he has recognized us as Coast people,” said Cidi.

Sheikh Muhdhar Khitamy said President Ruto has shown a different side of the presidency.

"We have had many presidents but none like this one," said Khitamy.

He bashed those criticizing the Kenya Kwanza regime using the economy as an excuse.

“They don't know that the economic situation is bad globally. This problem is not in Kenya only," said Khitamy.

He urged Ruto to be vigilant and deal with corruption decisively in all ministries.

"Working amidst corruption is like fetching water with a basket," he said.

The cleric said Ruto’s stand against homosexuality, which he said is being pushed down the throats of Kenyans by the West, is commendable and will earn him God’s strength.

“These people use all their might including money so that people change their feelings. But we thank the President who has stood steadfast in opposing this,” he noted.

He said the task force on cultural and religious doctrines is a positive thing because it has members from all religions.

“Muslims should come out in numbers and express our feelings to the task force when they come to our neighbourhoods,” said Khitamy.

Farida Rashid, a community activist in Mombasa, said those appointed to government positions must prove that the Coast people can work.

She noted that Ruto has given the Coast region two CSs, at least four PSs, several CASs and many directors.

“If the directors and CSs do not work, we should blame ourselves and our people. They should listen to us as Coast residents,” said Rashid.

She said they voted for Kenya Kwanza, with the Mvita constituency giving Ruto the most votes in the whole Coast region, and that they will welcome even more appointments.

“The sufuria is in the fire so we want more of the food,” said Rashid.

She said out of those appointed, women are few and should be more.

The activist defended the Finance Bill 2023 saying it is a necessity and that the hullabaloo about it is because of politics.

“The whole world is experiencing problems and when Ruto came to power there was nothing in the coffers because of corruption.

“And he can’t continue borrowing money to pay our debts. I ask Kenyans to support our president for some time and be responsible,” said Rashid.

He said despite the name he has been branded, Ruto dislikes corruption and will fight it tooth and nail.

Pamoja African Alliance deputy party leader Hassan Abdalla Albeity said the Blue economy will benefit the Coast most and this is the ministry where the CS and the PS come from Coast.

“We have been given the gas, utensils, cooker, rice and vegetables. If we fail to cook and eat then the problem will be ours,” he said.

He called on the President to replace the underperforming state officers from the Coast with other ones from the Coast.

His argument is that the Coastal people have the ability to lead but only if the right people are put in power.

“Those who merit should be given the jobs,” said Albeity.

He said Lamu gave Ruto the most votes from the Coast region with 45 per cent of the votes going to him.

“For the first time, we had doubts with Baba and we have to go for Uncle,” said Albeity.

He said there are still more people from the Coast who merit.

“Because in 2027 we will still be with you,” said Albeity.

Andrew Mwangura said he has been at the forefront of calling for a ministry on the blue economy and that was done.

“We have asked for many things in the maritime sector and we now see they are being implemented gradually. This time they are truly being implemented unlike past regimes,” said Mwangura.

Naomi Cidi at Kaya Fungo onTuesday.
PLANTING Naomi Cidi at Kaya Fungo onTuesday.
Mijikenda elders at Kaya Fungo on Tuesday.
HAPPY Mijikenda elders at Kaya Fungo on Tuesday.
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