CS Malonza to expedite transfer of Mama Ngina Park to county

Abdulswammad said the Constitution provides that counties maintain such facilities.

In Summary

• She was speaking on Friday during the World Swahili Day celebrations held at Old Town in Mombasa.

• This came after Governor Abdullswamad Nassir reiterated his call for the return of Mama Ngina waterfront and the Fort Jesus park back to the management of the county government. 

Mombasa Governor Abdulswammad Nassir interacting with residents during the World Swahili Day celebrations at Old Town, Mombasa on July 7, 2023.
Mombasa Governor Abdulswammad Nassir interacting with residents during the World Swahili Day celebrations at Old Town, Mombasa on July 7, 2023.

Tourism and Heritage CS Peninah Malonza has pledged to initiate the legal steps to complete the transfer process of two cultural establishments to the Mombasa County Government within the shortest time possible.

Malonza said this would count as yet another significant success story for the county.

She was speaking on Friday during the World Swahili Day celebrations held at Old Town in Mombasa.

This came after Governor Abdullswamad Nassir reiterated his call for the return of Mama Ngina waterfront and the Fort Jesus park back to the management of the county government. 

"The Fourth Schedule of the Constitution provides for county governments to manage cultural activities, public entertainment and public amenities, including museums, sports and cultural activities and facilities, and county parks, beaches and recreation facilities," he noted. 

Abdulswammad said the return of the two establishments was among the expectations of Mombasa residents. 

Tourism and Heritage Cabinet Secretary Peninah Malonza during the World Swahili Day celebrations at Old Town, Mombasa on July 7, 2023.
Tourism and Heritage Cabinet Secretary Peninah Malonza during the World Swahili Day celebrations at Old Town, Mombasa on July 7, 2023.

Talks on the transfer were restarted in March 2023, when the Governor argued before the National Assembly Tourism and Wildlife Committee that it should be managed by the county.

He said they provide cleaning and sanitation services, apart from taking charge of its security using the county inspectorate.

The park was refurbished at a cost of Sh460 million during former President Uhuru Kenyatta’s regime.

Likuyani MP Innocent Mugabe said initial talks had agreed to have the park handed over to the county government for management once completed.

According to information at the National Museums of Kenya, Mama Ngina Waterfront Park is as old as Fort Jesus. 

The fight for Mombasa Island (Mvita) is believed to have taken place on the site before the natives (Wakilindini) moved northwards to Old Town and Majengo area.

The battle of Mombasa was between the Portuguese and the natives, who were opposing this foreign invasion by the white people.

The Arabs had already set base in the coastal town of Mombasa by then and were ruling the island. They led the locals against the Portuguese invasion.

The Portuguese were against the slave trade that was being done by the Arabs then.

"It is believed that the Wakilindiini might have been driven out by the Portuguese in the 15th century, as supported by the presence of St Joseph Fortress, a nameless fortress, a Portuguese Redoubt at the Mama Ngina site," reads part of report from NMK.

Fort Jesus occupies 2.36 hectares and was built by the Portuguese in 1593-1596  to protect the port of Mombasa.

Tourism and Heritage Cabinet Secretary Peninah Malonza with Mombasa Governor Abdulswammad Nassir during the World Swahili Day celebrations at Old Town, Mombasa on July 7, 2023.
Tourism and Heritage Cabinet Secretary Peninah Malonza with Mombasa Governor Abdulswammad Nassir during the World Swahili Day celebrations at Old Town, Mombasa on July 7, 2023.
Mombasa Governor Abdulswammad Nassir interacting with residents during the World Swahili Day celebrations at Old Town, Mombasa on July 7, 2023.
Mombasa Governor Abdulswammad Nassir interacting with residents during the World Swahili Day celebrations at Old Town, Mombasa on July 7, 2023.
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