
Governor Mung'aro suspends 11 procurement officers over integrity issues

Acting county secretary Martin Mwaro said the officers will be suspended for 90 days.

In Summary
  • Those suspended include Matano Riziki who was the county head of procurement. He was recently moved to the county public service.
  • The county has also constituted a committee to receive complaints from the public in relation to any allegations regarding public officers.
Kilifi county acting county secretary Martin Mwaro addressing the media in Kilifi on Tuesday
Integrity Kilifi county acting county secretary Martin Mwaro addressing the media in Kilifi on Tuesday

The county government of Kilifi has suspended 11 procurement officers over procurement irregularities.

The Gideon Mung’aro-led administration also recalled all casuals performing procurement-related duties in the department of finance.

Addressing journalists at the Kilifi governor’s official residence on Tuesday afternoon, Kilifi county acting county secretary Martin Mwaro said the officers will be suspended for 90 days

Those suspended include Matano Riziki who was the county head of procurement. He was recently moved to the county public service.

The other officers are Evelyn Kazungu, Priscilla Munga, Rehema Chimera, Andrew Kai, Micheal Mwadali, Mary Nzaro, Mulanda Makanda, Andrew Kombe, Kadhengi Charo and Habel Juma.

“In the last few days, we have received information of concern from members of the public pointing to possible non-compliance with the principles guiding the ethics and integrity of public officers concerning officers attached to the procurement function,” said Mwaro

The county has also constituted a committee to receive complaints from the public about any allegations regarding public officers who may have been involved in non-compliance with national values and principles of governance.

The committee which will be led by the County Executive Committee Member for Health Peter Mwarogo will report to Governor Mung’aro within 60 days.

Other members of the committee are Catherine Kenga - CEC Member Roads, Transport and Public Works, Eliud Kalama, Chief Officer, Public Service Management, Lerine Kiteme, Chief Officer ICT and Lenard Kalama.

The county solicitor Henry Faraj Chipinde, and Alice Kinyua will sit on the committee as joint secretaries.

“The committee will sit at the County Attorney’s office at Kilifi Plaza Building, 3rd floor,” said Mwaro

Mwaro further assured the security of members of the public who will present their grievances to the committee.

“The committee will be seated in the office so people can walk in and present their issues. If by any chance someone feels unsafe to do so they can come to my office or that of the county attorney and give the information verbally or in writing,” he added

Mwaro was flanked by the county attorney Henry Lughanje and CEC for finance John Ngala.

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