Kwale PWDs, women and youth trained on access to information

Official says most public participation forums and offices do not have interpreters and proper equipment to assist people with various disabilities

In Summary
  • The training was conducted in partnership with The Outstanding Ability Kenya the Commission on Administrative Justice and Transparency International among others.
  • TOA founder Badi Mwalimu said most public participation forums and offices do not have interpreters and proper equipment to assist people with various disabilities in accessing information.
A section of Kwale Pwds, youth and women attend a civic education forum at Kombani social hall in Matuga sub-county on Monday, October 2, 2023.
AWARENESS: A section of Kwale Pwds, youth and women attend a civic education forum at Kombani social hall in Matuga sub-county on Monday, October 2, 2023.

Persons with disabilities, youth and women in Kwale have received training on access to information.

Most PWDs across the country are left in the darkness for lacking crucial information on policies and development.

The training was conducted in partnership with The Outstanding Ability Kenya, the Commission on Administrative Justice and Transparency International among others.

TOA founder Badi Mwalimu said most public participation forums and offices do not have interpreters and proper equipment to assist people with various disabilities in accessing information.

"In most cases, the nature in which information trickles down does not favour PWDs yet they are constitutionally entitled to benefit from it," he said.

Mwalimu said the training is set to enlighten the public more specifically PWDs, on their rights and various ways of accessing information.

He said because most of the persons with disabilities are illiterate, they are providing civic education on constitutional rights and necessary legal procedures in case they are denied access to information.

Mwalimu said they are also capacity-building and enhancing their knowledge of technology in seeking the desired information.

He said the world has changed and become a global village since information from all over can be acquired through electronic gadgets.

Unfortunately, he said many of the PWDs are living in poverty and don't have prior knowledge of technology and its proficiency in making their lives easier.

He said such training will enable PWDs to embrace technology and become well informed by the use of internet services.

Muslims Women Advancement of Rights and Protection field project officer Mwalimu Ali said the move is meant to create awareness and challenge various institutions in setting platforms for PWDs to better access information.

He said they are aiming at putting stakeholders in check and ensuring the use of sign language, and braille are applied, and interpreters are hired to serve PWDs in both public and private offices as well as in key events.

Ali said the PWDs would also be empowered to attend important public participation and budget-making forums and easily contribute their views to help address challenges facing them.

"If we have interpreters and required equipment to enable persons with disabilities access information, it will assist in achieving equal development," he said.

Coast Region Commission on Administrative Justice legal officer Esha Mohammed Mwijuma urged the PWDs to take advantage of the Ombudsman office to file complaints and enhance their rights to access information.

She said the percentage of people accessing information is still low due to ignorance and lack of awareness.

Mwijuma said the constitution has stated clearly the rights of access to information and the proper channels to be followed.

She said it is the sole responsibility of the respective offices to follow the constitution to the letter and provide information whenever required either for educational purposes or to enhance knowledge.

Mwijuma said the office of the Ombudsman is working closely with the National Council for Persons with Disabilities to ensure the PWD's rights are upheld.

Transparency International Coast region senior officer Rosette Makundi said they have launched several projects targeting to educate and empower PWDs on access to information and justice.


Coast Region Commission on Administrative Justice legal officer Esha Mohammed Mwijuma speaks in an interview at Kombani social hall in Matuga, Kwale County on Monday, October 2, 2023.
ACTIVATED: Coast Region Commission on Administrative Justice legal officer Esha Mohammed Mwijuma speaks in an interview at Kombani social hall in Matuga, Kwale County on Monday, October 2, 2023.
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