Chiefs ordered to arrest families organising disco Matanga in Kilifi

Family members would also be arrested in any home where an elderly person is killed over witchcraft claims

In Summary
  • County commissioner Biwott said they agreed with the security committee to completely ban disco matanga.
  • Disco matangas are common in the county during burials. Reports indicate that young girls frequent them leading to high cases of teenage pregnancies.
Kilifi County Commander Fatma Ali with County Commissioner Josephat Biwott during the Madaraka day celebrations at Kaya Fungo in Kaloleni Constituency
Kilifi County Commander Fatma Ali with County Commissioner Josephat Biwott during the Madaraka day celebrations at Kaya Fungo in Kaloleni Constituency
Kilifi County Commissioner Josephat Biwott with Governor Gideon Mung'aro and nother leaders at Kaya Fungo during the Madaraka day celebrations
Kilifi County Commissioner Josephat Biwott with Governor Gideon Mung'aro and nother leaders at Kaya Fungo during the Madaraka day celebrations

Kilifi County Commissioner Josephat Biwott has directed chiefs and security personnel to arrest families that will organise disco Matanga at their homes, blaming them for increased cases of defilement and teenage pregnancies.

At the same time, the County Commissioner said family members would be arrested in any home where an elderly person is be killed for allegedly practicing witchcraft.

Speaking in Kayafungo area in Kaloleni constituency, Biwott said they agreed with the security committee to completely ban disco matanga, and that anyone who is found playing the disco shall be arrested.

“I direct all these here (chiefs) we cannot accept our young girls getting pregnant  while others want to get money from disco matanga. From now on, we shall target the family that has burial,” he said.

Disco matangas are common in the county during burials. Reports indicate that young girls frequent them leading to high cases of teenage pregnancies.

The County Commissioner said the disco matanga has been banned completely in Kilifi in all the nine subcounties.

He also said most of the residents of Kilifi have not collected their title deeds and announced plans to take them to the grassroots.

“Most of the elderly are saying they’d rather leave the titles at the land registrar because having the document makes them a target of killings by their families,” he said.

Biwott said from now on, all family members shall be suspects in any case of an elderly person being killed over witchcraft claims.

Also present was Kilifi Governor Gideon Mung’aro, his deputy Flora Chibule, Kilifi County Commander Fatuma Ali, Kaloleni MP Paul Katana, and Ganze MP Kenneth Kazungu among others.

The County Commander said disco matanga have contributed to increased cases of teenage pregnancy in Kilifi, adding that last week, a man was sentenced to 30 years in prison due to defilement.

“Whenever there is disco matanga, many young girls instead of going to school, they go there and there are men who take advantage of the minors,” she said.

She also advised parents to talk to their girls and enlighten them on the dangers of engaging in sexual activities at an early age.

Mung’aro said his administration has spent over Sh650 million to improve health facilities in the county in the past year.

He said his administration has upgraded four health facilities in Marafa, Mtwapa, Gede, and Rabai. He said they have began reviving St Lukes Health facility in Kaloleni.

“We have opened a new hospital at Marafa with a 113-bed capacity and theatres, we have also opened another hospital in Mtwapa with 80 beds and a theatre, we have also upgraded Gede and Rabai where work will begin,” he said.

At St Lukes Kaloleni, he said they are currently constructing a perimeter wall and from next month, they would begin building a maternity wing and theatre.

Ganze MP Kenneth Kazungu said in the last two months, his constituency has seen seven schools being burnt which was alarming. He  called for the immediate transfer of education officials.

“Schools were burnt two months ago but no action has been taken so far because at least now we would have heard principals who have been transferred or the education officials being disciplined, but schools are being burnt and no action is taken,” he said.

He said the education officials in Ganze have overstayed and it's high time they were transferred to end the laxity.

Kaloleni MP Paul Katana said as Coast leaders, they have resolved to unite to push for the agenda of the region on development.


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