Achani threatens to fire corrupt ward administrators over bursary 'selling'

Says bursaries are unfairly distributed on grounds of tribalism and nepotism.

In Summary

• Achani said there are complaints that some people force poor residents to buy the bursaries which are meant to be free to help needy students pursue their education.

• Achani said she will not entertain any nonsense towards improving services and serving residents rightfully and diligently.

Governor Fatuma Achani addresses the community in Diani, Kwale county, on Saturday, December 2, 2023.
Governor Fatuma Achani addresses the community in Diani, Kwale county, on Saturday, December 2, 2023.

Kwale Governor Fatuma Achani has warned corrupt ward administrators against "selling" school bursaries under the Elimu Ni Sasa Initiative.

The bursary programme was initiated in 2014 to support bright but needy students and improve the county’s literacy level.

However, Achani said there are complaints that some people force poor residents to buy the bursaries which are meant to be free to help needy students pursue their education.

She said the bursaries are unfairly distributed on grounds of tribalism and nepotism. 

The governor said she is deeply saddened by the unacceptable trend, warning to fire whoever will be found culpable.

"Let me be clear before you sabotage my good agenda, you will be the first people to go home," she said.

Achani said she will not entertain any nonsense towards improving services and serving residents rightfully and diligently.

The governor said her administration is against corruption, tribalism and favouritism and services should be given fairly and efficiently regardless of political and religious affiliations and ethnic background.

"My administration is focused on serving all Kwale people irrespective of how they voted during the last general election," she said.

Achani urged all county staff to work hard and practice professionalism and ethical standards for improved services.

She said those who are not ready to serve Kwale residents properly, will be replaced.

Achani said she made a promise to Kwale people and she will not allow staff to interfere with her agenda.

The bursary programme, the county chief said, is meant to transform the education system and bring development.

She said access to equal education opportunities will promote literacy and various job skills for better lives.

Achani said the county increased the annual county bureau funding from Sh400 million to Sh500 million this financial year so more children can get proper education and achieve their life goals.

She urged the youth to take advantage of the bursary programme to get the desired education and make a change in life.

Achani said education is the solution to ending poverty that keeps on wreaking havoc in many homes.

The governor advised parents to take their children to vocational training colleges to get job skills and certificates.

She said the county has set aside Sh10 million grants for VTC to support the youth.

Achani said the county has increased the VTCs from 12 before devolution to 43 and the number of instructors from 26 to 133 in 10 years.

Deputy Governor Chirema Kombo said there is a big improvement and more development is yet to come.

He said parents and other Kwale residents should support the county education programme by sending children to school and enhancing the fight against drugs, teen pregnancies and early marriages.

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