
Achani intensifies war on muguka in Kwale

I can assure you, muguka won’t be readily available. That small brown packet would be hard to get, Kwale governor says.


Coast09 June 2024 - 11:11

In Summary

  • Achani expressed concern that muguka and drug abuse were taking a toll on young people
  • The governor said the county is not backing down from the war and will fight drugs in all forms
Woman Rep Fatuam Masito, Governor Fatuma Achani and Base Titanium External Affairs General Manager Simon Wall want to jointly cut a cake to celebrate 60 years of SS ASSAD fc at Ukunda showground in Kwale County on Saturday, June 8, 2024.

Kwale Governor Fatuma Achani has intensified the war against muguka and drug abuse.

Achani expressed concern that muguka and drug abuse were taking a toll on young people, affecting educational standards and the region's socio-economic development.

"Don't eat muguka, it kills you silently and steals all your concentration. The majority of you are addicted and are like zombies," she said.

Achani said her administration has raised entry fees for transporters ferrying the product to Sh300,000 per lorry.

The high taxes are set to limit the use and sale of muguka within the region.

"I can assure you, muguka won't be readily available. That small brown packet would be hard to get," Achani said.

She told youth the stimulant has no health benefits, urging them to shun the drug as it drains their energy and derails them from engaging in meaningful development activities.

Young people should also desist from use of other drugs such as alcohol, bhang, heroin and miraa.

The county will not back down from the war, she said, and will fight drugs in all forms.

Kwale Governor Fatuma Achani has intensified the war against muguka and drug abuse.

This comes amid a push by coastal governors and leaders to have muguka categorised as a hard drug.

Achani expressed concern that muguka and drug abuse were taking a toll on young people, affecting educational standards and the region’s socio-economic development.

”Don’t eat muguka, it kills you silently and steals all your concentration. The majority of you are addicted and are like zombies,” she said.

Achani said her administration has raised entry fees for transporters ferrying the product to Sh300,000 per lorry.

The high taxes are set to limit the use and sale of muguka within the region.

"I can assure you, muguka won’t be readily available. That small brown packet would be hard to get.”

She told youth the stimulant has no health benefits, urging them to shun it as it drains their energy and derails them from engaging in meaningful development activities.Young people should also desist from use of other drugs such as alcohol, bhang, heroin and miraa.

The county will not back down from the war, she said, and will fight drugs in all forms. She advised the youth to venture into sports and talent nurturing to transform their lives, saying her administration is committed to supporting sports development by allocating more resources.

The government is determined to elevate sports to new heights and to establish Kwale as a premier sporting destination.Sports have a significant positive impact on communities, the governor added, and can be used to empower youth, fight drug abuse and promote peace.

Achani pledged to support local teams and upcoming players while also transforming grassroots sports to world-class standards. She urged local football clubs to register as companies in order to do business with the government, as a way of improving team management and lives.

The governor was addressing participants at Ukunda Showground during a football fundraising event organised by Base Titanium company. 

Woman rep Fatuma Masito also urged the youth to quit drugs and focus on talent development.

”My children stop drugs and muguka. Make good use of this opportunity to showcase and grow your talents through sporting activities,” she said.

Youth spend all their time chewing muguka in maskanis and do not engage in meaningful development projects. As a result, the region is losing many energetic youth to drugs yet they have great talents, Masito added, but which cannot be nurtured because of addictions.

The woman rep said sports pay well and youth should take advantage of the improved sporting facilities to transform their lives. 

Feisal Bader, the Msambweni MP, promised to give youth tenders through the CDF funds.

Bader said he supports the idea of football teams being transformed into companies adding that it will help youth socio-economically.

Base Titanium's External Affairs General Manager Simon Wall said the company is committed to supporting local football and scout talents.

He said the company has been at the front line in supporting sports because of the numerous benefits to the community.

Wall said sporting activities have the power to unite people and bring youth together for socio-economic development as well as promoting peace.

The company will remain supportive in changing the lives of the people despite its imminent closure. 

"Sadly, in the next four months we will be shutting down operations but be assured of our support to the last minute," he said.

Mining CS Salim Mvurya hailed Achani for her bold move. 

While marking World Oceans day, Mvurya said the rest of the coastal counties rushed to ban the drug without considering the law.

Governor Fatuma Achani speaks during a football fundraising event at Ukunda showground in Kwale County on Saturday, June 8, 2024.

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