Kwale to host this year's Mashujaa Day fete

Currently, preparations are ongoing to have the stadium completed before the historic day scheduled for October 20.

In Summary
  • Achani said the event comes with a lot of goodies that are set to open up many business opportunities and tourism.
  • She said many guests would pitch camp in the region, increasing the number of hotel reservations and business activities.
The technical team from the Ministry of the Interior led by Principal Administrative Secretary Anne Ng'etich and Governor Fatuma Achani at Kwale headquarters in Matuga sub-county, Kwale County on Wednesday, June 12, 2024.
ACTIVATED: The technical team from the Ministry of the Interior led by Principal Administrative Secretary Anne Ng'etich and Governor Fatuma Achani at Kwale headquarters in Matuga sub-county, Kwale County on Wednesday, June 12, 2024.

Kwale county is set to host this year's Mashujaa Day celebrations at the newly constructed Kwale Stadium in Matuga subcounty.

Currently, preparations are ongoing to have the stadium completed before the historic fete scheduled for October 20.

The new stadium will accommodate about 9,000 people once completed.

The stadium is expected to be a game changer to the county's economy and sporting activities.

On Wednesday, the technical team from the Ministry of the Interior led by Principal Administrative Secretary Anne Ng'etich, met with Governor Fatuma Achani at the Kwale's headquarters in Matuga to assess the preparations.

Achani commended President William Ruto for picking Kwale to host the national event.

"On behalf of the people, I want to sincerely express my gratitude to H.E President William Ruto for choosing Kwale county to host the National Mashujaa Day," she said.

The governor said Ruto's decision promotes inclusive and equitable regional development.

"We are delighted and optimistic that we will benefit significantly from this national event. "It is a rare opportunity, and we do not take it for granted," she said.

Achani said the event comes with a lot of goodies that are set to open up many business opportunities and tourism.

She said many guests would pitch camp in the region, increasing the number of hotel reservations and business activities.

The governor said the celebrations would also raise Kwale's status, which is beneficial for marketing and attracting investments.

She said marking Mashujaa Day in Kwale is one of her agendas for improving infrastructure development to attract national and international events as part of efforts to promote tourism and investment.

"It is a dream come true and we will take advantage of every opportunity to bring more development and improve the lives of residents." 

She said the celebrations would enhance the stadium's construction opening doors for other national events and international football matches.

Achani said with the continued support from the national government the country will realise its development agenda and enhance national cohesion.

"Different communities will gather here, and the event will provide a platform for interaction, promoting peace and unity," she said.

The governor said her administration remains committed to working with the technical and security teams to make the historic event successful.

She urged residents to turn out in large numbers to celebrate the first Mashujaa Day in Kwale.

Kwale main stadium is at Kinarini, next to the youth empowerment centre outside the Kwale town in the Matuga subcounty.

Once completed, the stadium is expected to uplift local football and help youth nurture their talents.

It is expected to have modern changing rooms, restaurants, athletic racing tracks, medical rooms, toilets and flooding lights.

Kwale main stadium in Matuga sub-county, Kwale County in June 2024.
INFRASTRUCTURE: Kwale main stadium in Matuga sub-county, Kwale County in June 2024.
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