Kwale youth brave rain to protest against Finance Bill

They started their demonstration from Tiwi to Mvindeni and later went to Diani Beach town

In Summary
  • The protests were joined by different people with some of the local tourists, motorists and passengers alighting from their cars chanting 'reject Finance Bill.'
  • Some of the business people temporarily closed down to join the protests while other locals queued along the road to witness.
A section of Kwale youth brave rain during the Finance Bill demonstration at Diani in Msambweni sub-county on Tuesday, June 25, 2024.
DEMONSTRATION: A section of Kwale youth brave rain during the Finance Bill demonstration at Diani in Msambweni sub-county on Tuesday, June 25, 2024.
Diani police closely follow up protests to enhance security as Gen Z demonstrates against Finance Bill along the Mombasa-Lunga-Lunga Highway at Ukunda town in Kwale County on Tuesday, June 25, 2024.
SECURITY: Diani police closely follow up protests to enhance security as Gen Z demonstrates against Finance Bill along the Mombasa-Lunga-Lunga Highway at Ukunda town in Kwale County on Tuesday, June 25, 2024.

Kwale youth braved rains and cold weather on Tuesday to protest against the Finance Bill.

The energetic youth peacefully started their demonstration from Tiwi to Mvindeni and later went to Diani Beach town.

The protests were joined by different people with some of the local tourists, motorists and passengers alighting from their cars chanting 'reject Finance Bill.'

Some of the business people temporarily closed down to join the heated protests while other locals queued along the road to witness the unfolding of events and show solidarity.

Saidi Abdallah, a youth said they are tired of poor leadership and that has sidelined them. Abdallah said they opt to go to the streets to hold leaders accountable and demand to be heard.

He said it is a big shame for the government to go against its promise and hurt the very people it promised to protect.

"If you increase tax how will that boda boda and mama mboga survive? The finance bill you are pushing for goes against the government pledges," he said.

Abdallah said life has become unbearable for them since unemployment and the cost of living is wreaking havoc.

He said as youth they expected a lot from the Kenya Kwanza government but the administration has failed them. Abdallah threatened not to vote for Ruto comes 2027.

"We wanted President Ruto to rule for 10 years but I don't think so. We won't vote for him again," he said.

Another youth Selina Achieng said youth have been betrayed by the government and that they are not happy.

Youth ride on motorbikes and tuk-tuks to during the demonstration over Finance Bill in Diani, Kwale County on Tuesday, June 25, 2025.
ACTIVATED: Youth ride on motorbikes and tuk-tuks to during the demonstration over Finance Bill in Diani, Kwale County on Tuesday, June 25, 2025.
A youth expresses his frustration during the protest against finance bill in Ukunda, Kwale County on Tuesday, June 25, 2024.
DISPLEASED: A youth expresses his frustration during the protest against finance bill in Ukunda, Kwale County on Tuesday, June 25, 2024.

She said they have been misused for many years and a time has come to say no and stand for their rights.

Achieng said they don't want any amendments to be done to the bill but thrown away.

Hanifa Ali said the finance bill will kill small businesses whose majority are owned by youth and women.

She said the introduction of new taxes would render many jobless and subject people to pathetic lives.

Ali Nyawa lamented that the economy is worsening each day forcing many into depression.

He said as youth they won't sit back and watch as leaders put their lives in danger.

"The economy is high in every corner of this country and our leaders are continuing to make things worse. We say enough is enough," he said.

Mwanasha Abdallah said they will continue to protest until their demands are met.

She said they won't settle for less and that the Finance Bill must be rejected completely. 

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