Omar elevation a strategic political move by Ruto

EALA MP was declared interim secretary general by UDA, ousting former Kakamega Senator Cleophas Malala

In Summary
  •  Political observers say the move was meant to further appease Mombasa and the Coast region, and endear Ruto to the people and at the same time give Omar an equal footing, politically, with political heavyweight and Mining and Blue Economy CS nominee Hassan Joho.
  • And just as Joho’s nomination sparked jubilation across Mombasa County, Omar’s appointment elicited similar jubilation.
Hassan Omar and Hassan Joho.
BROTHERS Hassan Omar and Hassan Joho.

The elevation of EALA MP Hassan Omar from the UDA vice chair to the party’s secretary general could be a two-pronged move by President William Ruto.

Omar was on Friday declared interim secretary general by UDA's National Executive Council, ousting former Kakamega Senator Cleophas Malala.

Political observers say the move is to further appease Mombasa and the Coast region and endear Ruto to the people.

At the same time, this gives Omar an equal footing, politically, with heavyweight and Mining and Blue Economy CS nominee Hassan Joho.

And just as Joho’s nomination sparked jubilation across Mombasa, Omar’s appointment elicited similar response.

Hundreds of UDA members and supporters led by Omar’s close confidante Mutungwa Wambua, poured out onto the streets to celebrate his appointment.

“The President and the UDA National Executive Council has made the best decision ever. They have seen the workmanship of our leader and deemed it right to give the position to him,” Wambua said.

Mwakuja Mrombo, a Mombasa-based political commentator, said Ruto is trying to kill two birds with one stone.

Two names in the ODM list of nominees to the Cabinet may have influenced Ruto's decision. 

“He saw if he does nothing he would have shot himself on the foot because the two have influence in Western and Coast regions.

“So he thought it wise to elevate Omar, so he can be seen as Ruto’s voice at the Coast and not Joho,” Mrombo told the Star yesterday.

Omar has been courting Joho for months, even before the political developments occasioned by the Gen Z protests.

Omar has advocated for unity of purpose, asking Coast leaders to work together so as to have a greater voice when it comes to bargaining for the region’s interests.

This has seen the two have several meetings and the tension between them thaw.

Although Omar does not have significant financial muscles compared to Joho, he can move masses through his oratory skills.

“In Western, Ruto has no problem because he has Musalia Mudavadi and Moses Wetang’ula and he is about to swallow ANC,” Mrombo said. 

But Ruto's bid to keep the Coast region close might also bring him fresh headaches.

The ouster of Malala could push him into an alliance with Western leaders such as Ababu Namwamba and Trans Nzoia governor George Natembeya. 

“Malala could be the voice to turn the tide against Ruto in Western, unless they give him an ambassadorial position and get him out of Kenya,” Mrombo said. 

“These are the checkpoints that Ruto must look at if he is to survive in 2027.”

However, Frankline Nzao, another political analyst, said Omar’s elevation has little to do with Joho.

Joho lost influence because of his relatively poor record at the helm of Mombasa.

“I believe if there were no term limits for governors and Joho vied for the seat again in 2022 against Omar, Omar would have trounced him,” Nzao told the Star on phone.

The political commentator said the SG position is more of a marketing and implementing role.

“And if you look at the whole of UDA, there is no one more sweet-mouthed than Omar,” he said.

Ruto needs someone who can sweet talk Coast residents into understanding the UDA manifesto and plans so as to gain support.

“Remember, Ruto’s survival in 2027 is 100 per cent dependent in UDA. And Omar is a lawyer who understands how international and domestic treaties work, having worked at the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights,” Nzao said.

He added that UDA has found itself in a dilemma - they do not know if ODM will join hands with them in 2027 or bolt.

ODM leader Raila Odinga has declared severally that there is no working agreement between his party and UDA.

They only donated ODM brains to help Ruto steer the ship because the country was headed to a ditch.

“The president must put all his efforts to ensure he gets support from the Coast and Western regions,” he said.

He cannot count on the Mt Kenya vote bloc anymore, with his deputy Rigathi Gachagua seen to be making secret political moves to try and join hands with some Azimio affiliates, like Kalonzo Musyoka’s Wiper party.

UDA secretary general Hassan Omar in Likoni.
ELEVATED UDA secretary general Hassan Omar in Likoni.
Hassan Omar and Hassan Joho.
BROTHERS Hassan Omar and Hassan Joho.
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