Gusii community in Kilifi calls for inclusion in leadership positions

They spoke during the installation of Kensa Ondiek as the Gusii spokesman in Malindi.

In Summary
  • Despite living in Kilifi for decades, the community expressed concern about their exclusion from county job allocations and lack of representation
  • They said it was time for their contributions to be acknowledged through fair appointments
Kensa Ondiek being installed as the Gusii spokesman in Kilifi County.
Kensa Ondiek being installed as the Gusii spokesman in Kilifi County.

Members of the Gusii community in Kilifi have called for cohesion and their inclusion in the region's affairs. 

Despite having lived in Kilifi for decades, the community expressed concern about their exclusion from county job allocations and lack of representation.

They spoke during the installation of Kensa Ondiek as the Gusii spokesman in Malindi.

“We cannot demand anything from Kisii county since we are not voters there. Our votes are here in Kilifi," Ondiek said in his speech. 

He highlighted the longstanding political support the community has provided in Kilifi, saying it was time for their contributions to be acknowledged through fair appointments. 

"The Gusii community votes as a bloc and we urge the local leadership not to overlook us. We humbly ask for opportunities."

The members want a fair share of the 30 per cent of county appointments constitutionally reserved for non-locals.

Their advocacy extends beyond the Gusii community, the spokesman said, adding all upcountry communities residing in Kilifi should have  equal opportunities.

“We should not be valued only during political campaigns, but throughout the years. All communities must be remembered in political appointments because Kilifi is also a cosmopolitan county,” he said.

Ondiek was ceremoniously dressed in traditional regalia including a skin cloak, shield and spear for the coronation, which was held at Barani Secondary School.

The colourful event drew attendance from community members, representatives of other communities and local leaders.

Gusii chairman Samuel Muendi said the lack of unified leadership had hindered their ability to advocate effectively.

“We were not speaking with one voice as a community, so we decided to form a committee and elect a spokesman to represent us," Muendi said.

Ondiek was elected on July 28, and the coronation ceremony was to officially recognise him as the spokesman.

“Ondiek may be young, but we have entrusted him with the responsibility of uniting the Gusii community in this region," Muendi said.

Emily Sasadi, a long-time resident of Kilifi and member of the Gusii community, expressed hope for a peaceful future under Ondiek's leadership.

"For the first time, we will have a spokesman to advocate for our interests both locally and nationally," Sasadi said.

She added that a unified voice would strengthen their fight for the community's rights.

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