Azimio parties have chosen me for 2027 - Kalonzo

The Wiper leader says Raila has the coalition's full support for AUC chairman bid

In Summary
  • Speaking in Mombasa on Saturday, Kalonzo said the official announcement will be made soon, after two years of investigations
  • The Wiper leader said they do not expect the government to not interfere with the opposition anymore
Azimio leaders at Gym Kana Sports Club in Mombasa on Saturday.
TOGETHER AS ONE Azimio leaders at Gym Kana Sports Club in Mombasa on Saturday.

Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka has declared himself the preferred choice of the Azimio coalition parties as its presidential flag bearer in 2027.

Speaking in Mombasa on Saturday, Kalonzo said the official announcement will be made soon, after two years of investigations.

“But I want you to know that our coalition, Azimio la Umoja One Kenya - and you have done well to declare that even you ODM members are still in Azimio - many affiliate parties have said the Wiper Democratic Movement leader will be the presidential candidate in 2027 within Azimio, as it is right now. People have agreed,” Kalonzo said.

Earlier, Mombasa Governor and ODM deputy leader Abdulswamad Nassir had said the party is firmly in Azimio.

“Our coalition remains strong and our moral obligation has not swayed. We will continue as we started and ensure that we fight for the best for Kenyans,” Nassir said.

Kalonzo spoke at the Gymkhana Sports Club in Mombasa where they celebrated the Kamba Cultural Festival.

The Wiper leader said they do not expect the government to not interfere with the opposition anymore.

“For those who have joined government, we respect their decision but the rest of us will have to drive Kenya Kwanza home.”

He cautioned leaders against being compromised, saying that is the bane of Kenyan leadership.

Raila has the coalition’s full blessings for the AUC position, he added. 

“We know there is stiff competition. But we are ready to work together until he wins it. ”

Other Azimio leaders agreed, saying Kalonzo is the new official opposition leader and the senior most after Raila in the coalition.

When Raila, who is the Azimio team captain leaves the pitch, the arm band is given to his deputy to continue leading, they said. 

“So naturally, he takes the place of our captain,” DAP-K party leader Eugene Wamalwa said.

Wamalwa added should Raila go to the AUC, being the second Prime Minister and the senior-most in the coalition, then the second senior-most and 10th Vice President of Kenya is Kalonzo.

“Our brother Kalonzo has stood with Raila three times now in Cord, Nasa and Azimio. Respect is not slavery. Respect stipulates that the second in command by ranking is Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka.” 

The donation of ODM members to the Cabinet means that Suna East MP Junet Mohamed takes the place of Opiyo Wandayi, he added. 

Wandayi who is now the Energy CS, was also was the leader of minority in the National Assembly

“But outside Parliament, Kalonzo takes the place of Raila Odinga,” he said.

If ODM has an alternative leader, they should name the candidate.

Wamalwa spoke concerning speculation that ODM work with President William Ruto in 2027, saying it is their democratic right.

“We who will stand with Kalonzo also have a right to do so. We want to save Kenya. Those who want to save Zakayo are free to do so,” he said.

Jubilee secretary general Jeremiah Kioni said Kenyans must decide where they are – in 'Operation Okoa Zakayo' or 'Operation Okoa Kenya'.

“The one who is leading Operation Okoa Kenya is Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka,” Kioni said.

Ruto has ‘officially’ started the 2027 campaigns, he added, cautioning Kenyans to guard against him. 

“He came as a liar, and now he is a liar.”

Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka at Gym Kana Sports Club in Mombasa on Saturday.
ASSERTIVE Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka at Gym Kana Sports Club in Mombasa on Saturday.
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