Rights activists demand arrest of foreigner accused of defiling minors in Malindi

South African MB is reportedly on the run after two of his accomplices were arrested and charged

In Summary

• The foreigner is reportedly on the run after two of his accomplices were arrested and charged in a Malindi court on Monday.

• The Malindi resident magistrate ordered the two suspects to be held in remand until September 12, when the case will be mentioned.

Conrad Atiang’, a lawyer from the International Justice Mission (IJM), flanked by rights activist outside Malindi Law Courts on Monday.
Conrad Atiang’, a lawyer from the International Justice Mission (IJM), flanked by rights activist outside Malindi Law Courts on Monday.

Human rights and political activists in Kilifi county are calling for the arrest of a foreigner accused of defiling minors.

MB, a South African, is alleged to have sexually abused children.

The foreigner is reportedly on the run after two of his accomplices were arrested and charged in a Malindi court on Monday.

Nafisa Abdul and a 17-year-old girl, who could not be named due to legal reasons, were charged with unlawfully facilitating indecent sexual acts involving minors for the South African.

Nafisa and the teenager face several charges related to sexual offences against minors.

Court documents show that Nafisa intentionally and unlawfully caused a six-year-old girl to engage in indecent acts with MB between August 1 and August 23 in Malindi town.

The accused allegedly facilitated the child's movement from Maweni to Malindi town and handed her over to MB, who then touched her private parts.

The 17-year-old girl was charged with a similar offence, allegedly occurring between August 1 and August 22, 2024.

She is accused of facilitating the movement of a three-year-old girl from Shella in Malindi and handing her over to MB, who engaged in indecent sexual acts with the child.

The two accused denied the charges before Malindi resident magistrate Grace Mutemi.

Prosecution counsel Kerubo Nyaboke told the court that MB, the main suspect, is still at large and may flee the country.

The prosecution opposed their release on bond, as investigations continue.

Nyaboke said public agitation was high and the suspects could face mob justice if released.

Defence lawyer James Mouko acknowledged the young age of the victims and urged the court to expedite the proceedings in the interest of justice.

He requested an early hearing date.

Conrad Atiang’, a lawyer from the International Justice Mission (IJM), applied to be enjoined in the case to represent the victims.

He also opposed the release of the accused, arguing they might interfere with witnesses.

Atiang’ requested the court to issue a summons for the main suspect.

"The main victims in this case are children. The suspects before the court are accomplices and the main suspect has not been arrested. He is a known child offender. The government should use all available resources to ensure the fugitive is brought before this court," Atiang’ said.

The court granted IJM’s application.

The Malindi resident magistrate ordered that the two remain in remand until September 12, when the case will be mentioned.

Nafisa will be held at Malindi GK Prison and the 17-year-old girl at Malindi Children Remand Centre.

Outside the courtroom, residents and activists demanded that the police arrest the South African immediately.

Helda Lameck, the chairperson of the Malindi GBV Network, urged the Directorate of Criminal Investigations and the Tourist Police Unit to ensure the main suspect is presented in court at the next hearing.

“The government should ensure that the main suspect is also arrested and presented before this court at the next hearing. Our laws protect children and they should not be subjected to sexual abuse," she said.

Lameck also urged parents to protect their children from sexual predators.

Lela Tinga, a rights activist in Malindi, urged the government to ensure the main suspect is arrested and charged in court.

"The suspects should be condemned," Tinga said.

The children are undergoing treatment.

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